The official O&J intro Bowie song prediction thread.

16  2016-01-11 by [deleted]



Me: "That was 'Men who sell worlds' by the great nirvana, one of their deep tracks, not a lot of people know that, also written by the bowie tho."

...15 minutes later...

Jim: "I laid a fart so repugnant tha...."

Me: (Interrupting Jim) "People are complaining I got the bowiezzz song wrong. NO SHIT, IDIOTS. I did that on purpose, its called trying to find the bit. Jesus.

I'm amazed at how you guys always get his mannerisms and sayings spot on.

The benefit of having weaponsgrade autism, I suppose.

I'm not really that amazed. It's like doing an impression doing an impression and just basing it off their actual signature phrase. Actually it's exactly that.

"FUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK.... I used to go deep with Bowie, then I kinda tapped out for a while. I've gotta listen to more Bowie. I really loved that one song... what was it called again...? Help me out Justin..."


I actually didn't know he was dead until I read this thread. (this reply, specifically)

I wasn't that big a fan of his, but it's pretty enraging that the press would sooner get in touch with fucking Kanye West for a comment than someone who actually knew him to some degree like Iggy Pop.

Then again, I suppose they just quoted a tweet and didn't actually contact him. And I guess Iggy didn't have to throw out such a phony public statement.

Same thing happened when Patrice died. Seth Meyers was quoted on twitter saying "A day spent listening to clips of Patrice on the internet is a day well spent". Jimmy hated it.

"Little bit of the Major Toms, love the Major Toms"

He definitely won't know the name of the song.

"Love some of that David Bowie. Major Tom right ERock? Is that the name of the song? Major Tom is the name I think."

He'll go with Heroes because it's the #1 song on Itunes then go on for an hour about how he was a HUUUGEEEE Bowie fan despite never listening to one of his songs until half an hour before the show

he did see Labyrinth back in the day and thought it was "trippy as fuck" though


Under Pressure with Queen. They are fighting for their lives after all

Eww noo.. I don't want it to happen but it's..gonna..

Gotta go with the one cobain covered so they can talk about soaked in bleach or something


i'd guess Space oddity aswell.

/u/drsteve103, any chance to get the band back together to do a rendition of Moonage Daydream?

I'd be all about it if our bass player didn't die last year and our drummer had prostate cancer. This getting old shit can suck my cock.

oh fuck, sorry man

Haha no I'm just pointing out how absurd life is

ME: Awwww man these celebrity deaths always hurt, but this one reeeealllllyyyyy hurts this time. Sherrod where you at with the David Bowie?

Sherrod: I liked the stuff he did with the Monkees, but I also appreciate his solo work. Btw he had a black wife. I'm also black, did you know that?

That, or "Let's Dance"... deep fawkin' cut.

"Chant of the Ever-circling Skeleton Family"? What the fawk is that? Some kinda Halloween song?
"1984"... wasn't dat used in dat 80's apple commercial?

I'd have gone with bobo-man to o&a

"Starman" as a tribute to Bowie and a tie-in to The Goldnen Globes since The Martian won

ME: rabble rabble rabble bowie sniffff segway into nirvana seamlessly

The man who sold the world


I'm all in with the China Girl.

I'd go "Ashes to Ashes"


You really sure they are gonna address Bowie dying? Afterall Jimmy's hero hosted the Golden Globes last night so there is a great chance they just spend the entire show crawling further up Ricky's ass and defending him after that disastrous performance. Yep that's exactly what people were dying to see......Mel Gibson&his Snooki Tan.

Stay on topic, you adorable little bundle of ADD

It was dream jeanie


he did see Labyrinth back in the day and thought it was "trippy as fuck" though

Haha no I'm just pointing out how absurd life is