Ricky Gervais Opening the 2016 Golden Globes

33  2016-01-11 by AceSherbet


I don't like Amy Schumer very much

i did untill i saw her doing the gun control stuff with that shitbird chuck schumer

For me, it was when I discovered there was only one of her in that fat suit.

I liked his line about Schindler's List, "it was just a movie".

Gotta love the feminist digs and the crowd going "oooooo" and him saying oh shut up I don't care.

That was pretty goddamn funny.

are you the one who gave the jew $125?

You can tell how retarded you are by how much you believed those comments, so you tell me.

I thought he was great all night.

That's what she said!

Wait sorry wrong Office

As the actress said to the bishop.

Ha stupid NBC bleeped out Ricky with Mel Gibson at the end, "What the fuck does sugar tits even mean?'


Does he say "please melcome"?

Yeah I don't know how anyone can say Ricky's lost his edge after seeing this. He pulled no punches here.

The Tambor balls joke is the only one that fell flat. But the rest were good and Ricky's delivery as usual is spot on for the type of function.

Tambor thinks he's like changing the world by playing a trannny if you recall him on o and a,he did not want to joke about it at all. He's a boob.

I like Ricky Gervais, but I'm tired of his shtick for the award show.


It's not as funny when there is all this build up of how edgy he's being, and then he references how edgy he is being while he is being edgy.

I agree. Especially since the last few times he's done it it was way more offensive (and also better paced).

Should have chosen a different movie than shindlers list to compare pixels to. Seinfeld did that too recently and publicly in the zeitgeist to feel like it isn't the default joke that your dad could make; as well, it was a room full of Jews who are constantly on the defensive. Other than that I'm sure it was the only watchable part of the show, really funny performance from ricky.

I have this joke where I say I'm filming a gay porn called schindlers fist. Derivative?

Why is he 10 times funnier on awards shows as he is doing stand up or radio?

He has writers for this.

Amy looked great!

Wrong subreddit.

Oh opie. Oh no.


yeah, pretty tame really, he's just doing a bit now.

The whole promo for the awards has been what will Ricky do, who will he offend this time? Make sure the kids go to bed, this is going to be brutal! Yawn.

If he ever does the OSCAR's and rips into cunts I'll suck his dick, until then i won't be sucking his dick.


I do not like him. It was OK, though.

soooo edgy i cant even take it
