Jimmy's old openers, Kevin Hart and Amy Schumer, are presenters at the Golden Globe tonight. What's Jimmy up to tonight? Nothing. He's a zilch.

42  2016-01-11 by [deleted]


Well Jimmy is funnier than both of them so he's got that going for him

Jimmy's actual stand up is ordinary, but off the cuff he is the funniest mother fucker who ever lived.

God bless that oyster shaped man.

the nigga said OYSTER SHAPED

He's funnier than Schumer or Hart on stage.

not even close, if each gets their own crowd Schumer and Hart will induce heart attacks from laughter, Jimmy may be funnier to us.. but that's not a fair comparison, jimmy is mediocre even with a crowd that loves him

Hart had two really solid specials then he decided to cash in and be the popular yes massa nigga he is now. I still think Grown Little Man and Seriously Funny were great.

Schumer stinks though.

So is colon cancer. What's your point?

Colon cancer on stage?

Bartolo Colon has made me laugh more than those two.

Schumer appeals to the masses.... Jimmy appeals to people who know what funny is.... fuck Schumer, or dont.... I can see why you wouldn't actually.....

Ive listened to O&A for about 8-10 hours a day for about 3-4 years and legit never heard Jimmys standup except if they pull clip on the show.

And damn, all those beatings Colin, Patrice, Vos and Bobby gave him during the years for just having body liquids and aids jokes, was almost cringy.

Pretty relevant clip, full house in studio roasting Nortons first special.

He has that in common with Artie Lange. Artie made me cry laughing on Stern's show, but when I heard "It's The Whiskey Talking" for the first time I remember being dismayed and confused. "What the fuck is this shit!? I thought you were funny!!"

Ant_sucks is fucking funnier than those 2.

Did the original i_hate_knickers get banned or are you an imposter?

He is a imposter, i know the real guy.

Perform your due diligence and the conclusion should rise in as perfect of form as a fart in a pedophile's jacuzzi.


Hey, the phones cut out, what was that?

Perform your due diligence and the conclusion should rise in as perfect of form as a fart in a pedophile's jacuzzi.



What's that? You didn't here me? No problem buddy.

Perform your due diligence and the conclusion should rise in as perfect of form as a fart in a pedophile's jacuzzi.



Jimmy is funniest when hanging out with a group of comedians -- but his stand up is terrible.

jim isnt funnier than hart. ESPECIALLY not at stand up. I cant even watch his specials on netflix theyre so bad, i see every "shocking punchline comin thru" set up a mile away. And hes almost acting which we all know hes bad at

...which is nice

Fuck Jim, he never got famous enough for me to call him a sell out tune changing libtard, I just got stuck laughing at him on the radio all these years instead

Yeah because Jimmy is really Golden Globes material. Just because he hasn't been cast in a blockbuster movie he's a zilch? Get a life dick bag.

Um hello, Spider-Man?


He's a zilch because he can't evolve and has been telling the same fucking jokes for the last fifteen years. Also, at 5' nothing and bald, he's a physical zero. That and he's happy sucking a talentless, meaty-titted illiterate's dick for table scraps.

babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun


You evolve.

Jimmy could've presented at the Golden Globe but he decided to edge for seven hours instead.

That's hilarious and realistic

Even his ex-girlfriend is there with her schwartza boyfriend.



Hes a goyim a schwarze is a darkie

Jimmy doesn't fit what executives are looking for. Frumpy sluts like Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer are the new fad, and something tells me Schumer s fall from grace will be terrifying.

Kevin Hart appeals to the hooting and hollering 70 IQ crowd that idiots like Kat Williams appeals to.

Disenfranchised white losers are sort of Jimmys demo, and have been out of fashion since at least the 90s. I would argue the recent Trump phenomenon is due to that. When cultural institutions get filled up with sluts, fags, and savage hordes you start to lose hope.

I agree with all of this, but have to add that Jimmy's stand up appeals to no one except people who listened to O&A (mainly, just because we know who he is) and even most of us don't really like it.

This is a meme here, but I've seen him in person a few times and he always kills.

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Jimmy is a pretty talentless zilch, but lets not pretend this business is a meritocracy. It's hard to imagine people as unfunny as Kevin Hart and Amy Schumer, they only get work because they're black and female respectively.

Amy has two things going for her that the Worm does not: she has a vagina, and she's a jew.

I used to think Jewish nepotism was just the crazy ramblings of weird naziesque racists, but just paying attention really tells the story. Just look at the Stangles, like those two unfunny fat fucks were high ups in fucking late night. What is so weird is that it's almost taboo to state as fact, like people still talk about WASPs as if they're the current power group. If white privilege exists, Jewish privilege is astronomical, otherwise Schumer would be right where Jimmy is.

Until I worked in the entertainment industry, I was like you - I thought the claim of jewish control was the product of anti-semites. Then I looked around and realized the business is literally 80% jew.

Yeah, but then when you notice all the arabs and muslims in the biz, too, you realize that's crazy talk.

I've noticed very few arabs/muslims in the biz, beyond the dumb money type that buy EP credits for the premier parties.

ME: that's the bit!

You're insane. Jews are 2 percent of the population but make up half of entertainment executives. Such poor disinfo.

Holy shit, I never thought of comparing jews and wasps.

As 2 percent of the American population, they are overrepresented in executive and federal government positions by thousands of percent. They are accepted to ivy league schools as if they're disadvantaged minorities while white and Asian acceptance rates go down.

The US doesn't give billions to Isreal to be nice. Jews wield an enormous amount of political and economic power.

And yes, I, too used to think this was all crazy conspiracy talk.

So, should we kill them for good this time? We'll finish what the Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, Russians, Germans, and every other country has started.

I'm not even necessarily saying it's a bad thing. Just something to be aware of.

No, I get it, don't worry. We'll do it sneakier this time.

Hahaha you're funny. They have gotten aggressively anti white with few repercussions so who knows


First off, you've been brainwashed into thinking "conspiracy" is a bad word, as if never in the history of humanity have there been conspiracies. And secondly, if something is true, whch what you say is, then what's "conspiracy" about it?


He wath a governor, a fighter, a Navy Theal!

Sorry Petey but we lost the word "conspiracy" a long time ago. I qualified it with "crazy" which I think we can agree about in terms of meaning.

Everything that humans do together is a conspiracy, in a way. I do believe jews are overrepresented in the halls of power. But I also believe the elites don't care that much about ethnic identity among each other. They use ethnic conflict to keep the proles at each other's throats. I don't care about the ethnicities of the elite. They're sociopathic scumbags in any case.

Probably the truest words ever written in the English language.

This post is so far down from the original thread I couldn't figure out which statement it applied to. It's like choose your own adventure, but antisemitism.

Oh, I bet Jimmy was up to something last night.

(raises eyebrow mischievously)

hey OP what are you up to tonight? you going to the golden globes or something more important?

i don't even find Jimmy very funny at all but this is ridiculous. These 2 are two of the biggest people in 'entertainment' right now, meaning fucking everyone is a zilch compared to them you absolute mong

I know, right?

I mean the "mouthful of shame tour"?

I mean is he intentionally sabotaging and pigeonholing himself?

I abhor the titles of his specials. What was his last one, Erectionally Inadequate?

At least that would have been a C- dick joke. Instead, it was "Contextually Inadequate," which doesn't even make any sense. What, is it supposed to be a pun on "sexually inadequate?" But "contextually" doesn't sound like "sexually" -- it's got a syllable too many and it's just not obvious that's the pun he's going for. Also, a pun generally needs to have a payoff on both sides for it to be funny. I know what "sexually inadequate" means (it's charming because it's self deprecating, y'see), but what the fuck does "contextually inadequate" mean? It doesn't mean anything. So really the whole joke is that "contextually" kind of sounds like "sexually" but he said "contextually" instead. That's pretty funny, Jimmy.

Why am I so angry about this?

I watched "get hard" with Kevin Hart and Will Ferrel last night, illegally streamed it for free obviously. I honestly found a few parts of it fucking hilarious. Obviously I assumed it was going to be shit when I went into it, I was pleasantly surprised

illegally streamed it for free obviously.

And you wonder why you're going to the big house.

I mean I live a life of questionable shit, so I guess you're half right? I was never charged with copyright infringement though. I drive drunk constantly (beer in the cup holder) and occasionally put guns in people's faces. Small house, NY prisons are real deal, luckily I'm only going to county

we got a real tough guy here

No, I'm a self-admitted faggot pussy. My criminal record doesn't exactly look good on my resume' though

Stop living like a nigger you moron

We should all be telling that to Ant.


Side note, I made it about 10 minutes into Trainwreck before I closed that tab and watched "The Bourne Identity" or some other stupid action flick from 10 years ago I never saw. Not even shitting on Amy, I'm not a bandwagon hater. That movie made it abundantly clear right away that it wasn't meant for me.

Sadly, I kept watching because I love Bill Hader (he had literally nothing to do in the movie, what a waste) and was watching for the cameos. I made it 3/4 of the way through, it's really a hack rom-com premise and all the real talent was wasted. I felt vindicated tonight when I saw a Whitney Cummings HBO special commercial and mentioned to my lady-friend that I wish the popular female standups were funny and not so hacky. She countered by saying she couldn't stand Amy Schumer and didn't see why people made a big deal over her.

I agree with everything you said, but more important, did you finger fuck that bitches cunt with your fingers in her fuckin' pussy? Maybe slap her tits around?

MaRgArET Th-ATCHer was iN tHe BoUrNe Ident-iTy

It still blows my mind that anyone from this sub thought that movie wouldn't be rom-com vaginal discharge.

It's a terribly average movie because she's in it. Put any other broad in the world in it and it's immediately better for it. The real movie here though would've been a LeBron James - Bill Hader buddy comedy.

This movie would be improved 1000% by just removing Amy's part / story, and using all the cameos and other cast members.


I love how people feel the need to act like Jim's not doing well. He's selling $70 tickets for his theater shows...I think he'll probably be ok.

He'd be getting 10x the shit if he was presenting at the Golden Globes.

$70? Where? Maybe NYC area. He can't put $20 asses in seats in cities like Cincinnati. Rogan and Mohr sell out the Taft theater here. Jimmy can't get more than a 1/4th of Funny Bone filled.


Meanwhile, Amy Jewmer is a movie star, Louie's show has made him a verified comedy genius, Colin was on SNL and had two hit stage shows produced by Jerry Seinfeld, etc. Then again, for every Amy, Louie, and Colin there's a Bob, Vos, and Jim Florentine, so I guess things could be worse. Jim's a successful comic, but he'll never be more than just a comic, because he doesn't have that next-level talent.

You're stretching with Colin. Colin's great, but he's not a "mainstream success" and as far as SNL goes, I remember being in the minority for liking him at the time.

Point is, if Jimmy was a huge mainstream success, everybody here would hate him for it.

Colin is NY famous

And the "BATMAN PEED HIS PANTS" guy from PFG-TV is writing for JOHN OLIVER"s show and has a popular "IF SEINFELD HAPPENED TODAY" twitter account.

I'm a Jimmy fan.. But his standup/acting doesn't make me laugh nearly as much as his on-air radio spur of the moment stuff.

I'm a Jimmy fan.. But his standup/acting doesn't make me laugh

Love the word zilch.

Didn't Amy bomb?

I laughed when she said people usually call her cunt. At least that's what I imagine she said

I wouldn't call it a bomb. Just the same old (I'm a slut who says vulgar shit) jokes that she always does. Then she wonders why she's labeled as the "sex comic"

She's going to spend the night drinking and getting high with Jennifer Lawrence. Winning.

If she was fucking Jennifer Lawrence, maybe. As it is, she'll spend the night drinking and getting high with that vapid cunt, then wake up in the morning and still look like a fat kid with down syndrome. #losing.

Nice Charlie sheen meme

I'm guessing he's being a pretty cool guy.

Jimmy was busy edging for 4 hours.

He's the only one of those three who is still a stand up. Jimmy does what he does best. Fuck Hart and especially fuck Amy Cankles Schumer. When you go to the White House for gun control you are not longer a comic, you're an activist.

Kevin Hart does stand up still -- to arenas.

he does but very, very poorly


Didnt you see jim on "the knick"? Definitley next level peformance

he's happy for them

I'm sure of it.

I'm sick of these articles pretending Lawrence and Schumer are "besties." It's disgustingly forced and insincere. Plus, I'm sure Lawrence feels cheated because her inferior counterpart has earned so much success without requiring any actual talent.

It's amazing how far being a leftard sellout will take you.

Didn't you hear that Jimmy is animating his child molester character? He'll be up there with Clooney next year.

Jimmy just doesn't have broad appeal. And really, if he wanted to be a movie star, he never should have joined the O&A show. I can only think of a handful of people who managed to transition from radio to TV. Kimmel, Corolla, and seacrest are it, I think.

It's OK to just be a successful comic. It was good enough for Hicks, Hedburg, Regan. And he is good on radio, so he's got that, too.

Sly Stallone won of them acting awards.

The only people who care about award shows are women, who gives a fuck if you aren't presenting an award at one

i bet jim does hes a "tough" ny comic after all


She's going to spend the night drinking and getting high with Jennifer Lawrence. Winning.

I laughed when she said people usually call her cunt. At least that's what I imagine she said

It's a terribly average movie because she's in it. Put any other broad in the world in it and it's immediately better for it. The real movie here though would've been a LeBron James - Bill Hader buddy comedy.

babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun babyboy shotgun


I wouldn't call it a bomb. Just the same old (I'm a slut who says vulgar shit) jokes that she always does. Then she wonders why she's labeled as the "sex comic"


You evolve.

He wath a governor, a fighter, a Navy Theal!