Anthony. On the night of the Patrice Benefit, do a FREE "Tribute to Patrice" show.

81  2016-01-10 by slappy_mchappy

Hate or love you, everyone would be interested in hearing you talk about Patrice, watching/listening to some youtube clips of him and commenting. Talk about how he influenced you, talk about anything and everything Patrice! If the benefit truly isnt about him then give him the tribute he deserves. It will give you some much needed positive attention in the shitstorm you now reside in.


Why do that when he can go into a 40 minutes rant about blacks? Silly OP you ain't down with TACS at all

Yeah, why not?

Anthony has played the victim always and made everything else about him, why not do this as well?

Here's a better piece of advice: Anthony, on the night of the Patrice benefit. have some class for the first time in your life. Keep your fucking mouth shut. Be an adult.

Anthony, on the night of the Patrice benefit. have some class for the first time in your life. Keep your fucking mouth shut. Be an adult.

Best advice of all. Which means he won't take it.

i do want to hear anthony do a retrospective on patrice, but, anthony wasn't banned from a retrospective on patrice, he was banned from a benefit for patrice's family. it'll be a bunch of comedians doing their act, and the money goes to patrice's family. if anthony being there will bring in less money, "uninvite" him.

Huh? It's not like any of us are invited to the Patrice benefit either. It's not televised. It wouldn't interfere with what Burr et al are doing.

Anthony doing a tribute to Patrice would be a good show.

Yea anthony should double down on this classless move of making a benefit for his alleged friend about himself. Really go for it.

yea this idea would just come off as pretty fucking sad

boohooo i cant come so ill just sit at home and do a sad broadcast by myself talking about a dead comedian i used to do radio with that came over here once or twice



Why are people acting like Anthony and Patrice were close? They did radio together and hung out once. Anthony couldn't even bother with Patrices funeral.


that doesn't mean anything. Ant is a known liar.


I didn't say that you said it was true. Your reading comprehension level is just as bad.

They spent 600+ hours on the radio together, laughing, arguing and riffing. Do you not understand how relationships work?

Anthony spent much more time doing the same with Opie. Do you understand?

Edit :Anthony


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Do you not have a job? I've spent way more time working with people that I wouldn't consider myself close to. They know me very well, but we aren't close. If you weren't working together we wouldn't be friends. What do you not understand? Patrice was there because comedy was his career. It helped him sell seats and get gigs. Him and Anthony seldom hung out away from the show. I hang out with work colleagues occasionally that I'm not close with either. Why do people continue to act like they were super tight? I don't see it.

So, no, you don't understand relationships...


It's called his job.

Opie and ant did the same thing but hated each other.

ant should just take the loss and be humble

I read a lot of comments from people on here saying how Anthony just knew Patrice on the radio and they may have hung out once or twice. But does anyone here truly know how often they hung out outside of the radio? For all any of us know they talked on the phone a lot and Patrice and Anthony hung out a lot when they weren't working. So maybe Anthony really is hurt at being cut out. Just saying.

I agree with OP that Anthony should do a free Patrice Tribute show on TACS if Patrice was really his friend. But I think he should show some class and hold it the night before or the night after the benefit. Bring in some of the comics who knew Patrice and weren't invited to perform. Could be good.

this is a great idea

I know, but it seems to be getting downvoted. Who doesnt want a free patrice show???

It wouldn't be. It would be an Anthony show. Patrice is dead. So the answer to your question is most people with ears.

It's ben using his alt accounts to downvote everything again. He's been doing it for days now. He really is a mentally unstable mess.

Why would he downvote this though? He obviously is a fan of the show. He can pretend he hates Ant but he clearly is entertained by him, no?

I always wonder about people who cite Patrice as a fount of wisdom and knowledge.

Every career move he made was negative. Every connection he had he severed. He left no money behind for his family despite knowing he had an illness that put his life at risk. Any effort to turn his health around ended within three months.

Patrice was just as damaged as the rest of them. It was fun listening to his perspective on things but he wasn't the black Aristotle.

patrice made bad career moves because good career moves eventually rob you of your integrity. he was trying to make it in a righteous way, which may be impossible, but he sure did try.

yeah, he did do that and it was stupid. he was in entertainment. I bet his family wishes he acted more like amy schumer.

von and her kid will be fine. she's milking his death pretty good.

Patrice was just as damaged as the rest of them. It was fun listening to his perspective on things but he wasn't the black Aristotle.

there's an episode where louis ck is trashing him for believing that folding the american 20 dollar bill (i think) into an image of the world trade center was some kind of conspiracy instead of dumb coincidence. patrice was an idiot. how can anyone defend someone believing something that dumb.

He could do a bobo/Lady Di/comic hardcore fans thing and stalk the building exit

I'd rather not hear two hours about how Patrice was "one of the good ones."

Great idea, make it more about himself.

That way all of Patrice's homeboys can come.

That would be such a douchey thing to do. Fuckin right lame. Plus they already did it after he the next day.

That's a fucking horrible idea.

Very sound advice, slappy-mchappy!



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Hello excactly!

He could get a dozen fans or so along at 1 grand a piece to watch live. Donate the money to the cause, Mammy doesn't give a fuck where her money comes from.

He could give everyone a tour of the crime sce...the house, it would be great! Tweet Ned From Brooklyn.


Stick to photoshop you needy faggot.

Why are you downvoting everything???

Benjamin you're the needy faggot that has been banned dozens of times yet you keep coming back with new accounts. Out of all the sad pathetic fucks on this sub you are by far the worst.

dont give money to "those people", donate it to a diabetes Charity would be better