Gamer hates Gavin McInnes. Is he doing the best accidental Gavin impression of all time?

24  2016-01-10 by footytang


One of the youtube comments:

I'm a 38 year old industrial mechanic that carries around 50 lbs of tools up 40 foot ladders to repair commercial grade air conditioners and refrigeration equipment all day at work. I can repair anything in my damn house. I installed John's kitchen faucet and dishwasher. I'm married to a gorgeous wife and have 2 amazing sons. I also play video games, collect comics, watch and read sci fi and fantasy, play D&D, and watch cartoons.

Wanna call ME a retarded man child to my face Gavin McInnis?

Come get some!

Someone get this guy a tuna sandwich and container of coffee.

Regular Joe depresses me on a deeply personal level.

Call him anything you want, just don't call him late... for supppeerrr.


How about a nice buttered roll

Ahh what the hell do i know just gotta take my lunch pail to the job site

lunch pail cement bag

He targeted gamers. Gamers

Does he work for Apollo HVAC in Bayshore?

Gavin doesn't really deserve more response than "Gavin McInnes is a douche.".

If you put this much thought into responding to his dumb shit, Gavin wins.

It doesn't help that this guy is a tool either. But he does have moments where his inflection and demeanor is exactly like Gavin. So this fuck is Bizarro Gavin.

I bet they both have very similar outlooks on shoe brands and obscure fagsynth music. Can't all the queer hipsters just get along?

"Why would anyone get mad about what some fictional character said?" - Zac Amico talking about Gavin McInnes

I heard him on podcasts before but saw him for the first time on ants show the other day. His really small cat T-shirt and his nasty dirty Pabst blue ribbon trucker hat along with the fact that hes a guy and has a Monroe piercing on his upper lip (the piercing girls get to resemble Marilyn Monroe's mole) made me literally cringe, then he brought up that he has his dick peirced and the reason was "because girls want to see it" was even worse

He looks like the kind of person who smells like onions on the reg

Dude is creepy to look at, but is a god damn sniper with the one liners. Too bad his reload time takes hours.

Not sure if intentional, but dead on.

I mean CMON, Ant's a gamer, Is HE a retarded man child?

Great point.


He also has a dinosaur in his yard.

Well, this video settles it. Video games are for 30 year old, man-children, who live in their mother's basement & decorate it with a ton of retro NES shit.

Yep. All this guy did was prove Gavin right.

I always thought Gavin was a try hard unfunny cunt, but then I think if I got pushed out of a billion dollar company only to end up doing a ten thirty podcast for a "man-child" as he put it I would also be bitter.

I used to also think that he is an unfunny tryhard cunt, but after your comment I think I still do.

"This guy is all wrong about us." - Man with cartoon character decorations in his room.

He acts the same in all of his other videos. Gavin is this guy's evil twin.

This dude is dressed like a character from Portlandia.

oh yeah? would a faggot learn how to sew identity-defining patches onto his clothing? HUH??

That guy's a total fucking faggot. I could never be friends with him.

I didn't know cock smokers were into video games. Nice lisp faggot.

Gavin is a douche who thinks he's a funny guy, but this guy has an eye brow ring.

I've learned to ignore Gavin's opinions that I disagree with because he's a contrarian. Plus he goes full Florentine with his "man's man" bullshit, even though he has a faggy moustache and a weak chin

I can choose to play video games, but Gavin can't will himself a strong chin.

Way to channel Churchill dude.

I find the very notion that someone would even care enough about Gavin to hate him pretty far-fetched in the first place.

I love how the guy gets outraged at gavin for gamers are in basements, man children, etc and everything he is upset about it seems to describe this guy perfectly

thats strange.. he is doing a beat-for-beat Gavin impersonation. Its eerie! some video nerd could do a split screen. Im confused about why he's doing it though? Oh wel. ya.. spot ON bang-on SNL eerie exactly with even a right tinge of anglophone-quebecois canadian accent!

ESD going at Gavin right off that bat? RADIO WAR!

He likes the Dead Kennedys? Didn't see that coming.

West Side Dave

You guys are taking Gavin way too seriously. I don't give a shit about his opinions but he's very entertaining while telling them.

couldn't make it past 45 seconds

I follow a couple guys who talk old school games, this guy included, and saw it funny that he was pissed at Gavin. He's from Canada, so yeah, his speak is similar. What made me enjoy this more, is that the same day he uploaded this video, he posted a video acting out his predictions for the new Star Wars using toys.


I hope Gavin dies of cancer. No one cares about your wisdom, you druggie hipster fuck.

Nice eyebrow ring.

There's too many podcasts, and shows on the internet for me to know. I've seen Gavin's picture via Anthony Cumia's channel/show advertisements but I didn't care who he was.

With all that said, I thought he looked douchey, and gave me douche chills with his get up and look. I get the same exact feeling from the guy in the video. The piercings, the patches, the punk rock shit. I get it - you're different. I'm over it.

Once he said "I saw a great Amazing Athiest video" I tapped out and just assumed this guy was a douche.

I like video games I just continue on with my life when other people don't

I do not understand these 15 minute long response videos like it's some sort of crusade

timestamp please?


wait a minute.. maybe Gavin has been doing an impersonation of this guy all along?

One of them is eerily talented at doing impressions!

I like how this dweeb conflates a lack of gender roles with progress and says what year it is. And no, Gavin is serious. He's a neo-reactionary, and the way to package those opinions to an audience is through trolling.

Am I the only one who likes Gavin? He reminds me a lot of Patrice, especially during this clip.

Reminder Gavin used to dress like this and still dresses like a 13 year old screaming for attention

That was a character he did for a video. You can't be that stupid.

Edit: Here's the video

He dressed as much like a hillbilly redneck as possible, then said his views, and argued that they are not conservative. They are the same beliefs he had when he was a hipster anarchist.

Wish he had the balls to get those dumbass circles tattood on his face.

I agree with him. Gavin is a total piece of shit. When it comes to ignorance he's actually worse than his butt-buddy Ant.

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