Something I just realized about the Opie/Jimmy fight.

26  2016-01-10 by [deleted]

Opie was pissed off at Jimmy for staying quiet during the show where Gregg cried for two hours about Anthony. He thought Jimmy should have spoken up in support of him and his silence was a tacit approval of Ants side of the conflict.

I listened to that episode last night, for the first time in a long time, and I think the reason Jimmy stayed quiet was not to remain neutral or to be on Ant's side, I think he was holding his tongue because he knew 90% of what Opie was saying was bullshit.

If you listen to that clip it's really obvious Opie is lying about most of the rant- and Opies tells are obvious. This is from me who's only listened for about 7 years- Jimmys worked with Opie for 15 years and knows the real story behind the scenes. Jimmy knew Opie listened to that clip. Jimmy knew Opie really kept everyone's contracts up in the air. Jimmy knew Opie wasn't manipulating the haters behind the scenes- there's a thousand examples of unmitigated obvious bullsht and lies from Opie during that 2 hour rant. But Jimmy didn't say anything- that's not being neutral, it's tacit approval of Opies side. He was loyal to Opie. I'm my trashing Norton for this, I'm just staying Opie got it wrong.

I realized this when also listening to Jimmy talking about Derosa vs Ant last night. Jimmy said a lot of comics kept quiet about Anthony after his firing not to fuck him, but to support him- because their true feelings about Ants tweets was negative. They kept their true feelings hidden in order to support him- they refrained from kicking a guy while he was down. I think that's what Jimmy was doing to Opie.

So Opie was pissed at Jimmy for the exact opposite reason of why he kept quiet. Opie should have given Jimmy a raise for keeping quiet. If Jimmy really wanted to be on Ants side he would've just spoken up and been honest and called Opie on his lies. He could've dismantled Opie.



You're way too invested in this. Get a life, cocksucka.

And also... some good points in your theory.

They are all good points in theory. But nothing can be verified

Don't want to.

Thats funny shit @out. Hey Einstein, get a fucking life....btw, excellent relativity theory you got there

so much better the second time

The Greggshells thing comes down to when he asked Jimmy why he stayed and there was a non committal 'I just like doing radio.' I don't even like Opie or have any of his narcissistic delusions and even I interpreted that as a fuck you. Jimmy could have at least given him something there but he didn't. Probably supports your theory.

He absolutely was looking for Jim to say "Because I like you, I like doing radio with you. You're funny, we have chemistree." Pretty deliberate on Jim's part.

When my boss starts shit mouthing subcontracters or former employees I will sell out my best friend's reputation and honor to agree with him. Some people out there are hungry for honesty and can appreciate differing opinions on people who they might only have a one-dimensional view of. But not my boss, nor Gregg Teats. They're looking for somebody to buttress their rickity word-diarrhea and it doesn't even matter if what you say makes sense or not; so long as it sounds like you agree.

Jim forgot Tits is his boss. Thought he may have been recognized as an equal partner in the relationship. Lol that's not how Opie works. Despite his galactic stupidity which makes it difficult to sense at times, Tits is far more sociopathic than 90% of us here, and he can't see Norton making the only worthwhile contributions to his show. Just keep throwing more fat unfunny hacks on-air to talk about some everyman-shit that none of them have ever experienced, like watching a football game, that'll fix it.

Ahh, but what do I know? I just need a thermos of hot java and nice flat piece of cardboard to place on top of my 4-gallon bucket-for-a-seat and I'm happy.

Just like when your gf/wife is talking shit about some chick she works with. You don't care, you're not even really paying attention, your GF is being irrational, but you agree with her "Yeah, I know, she's such a bitch". That's what opie was expecting from Jimmy, and he probably go's home and complains about the "bitches" he works with to an apathetic Lynsi. "aww, that's too bad honey... did you get me my chardonnay?"

Listening to Jimmy on Rogan last April, he says that doing Uncle Paul on the radio is his favorite thing there is to do. He goes into all the particulars as to why, including how great it makes him feel that every crowd he plays screams for Uncle Paul. And then proceeds to make Rogan laugh so hard his organs nearly fly out his orifices. It's clear he considers it the best thing he's got going.

And tits "doesn't care for" that character........

Opie says alot of things like "I wasn't the only one mad about him coming in late or hungover or calling in sick, if other people want to say something they can"

He said things where he wanted mystery people to back him up several times. That sounded to me like what opie was really talking about with "I kinda needed ya that day jimmy."

The "mystery" argument is an Opie staple. The whole fight started by Opie mysteriously saying that he has it on good authority that ant was doing unforgivable shit behind the scenes. But he can't say who told him or what the unforgivable shit is. It's the same tack he took during the grape fight. "People say things about you too. I can't say who those people are or what they say. Leave it alone. Leave it alone. Leave it alone. Trust me, just leave it alone. Leave it aloooone. Leave it alone."

We can see where E-Rock learned his vague skills

" great minds think a lot "

Opie sucks

Opie said last week the fight was nothing, nothing bad said, and it was over in the hallway ... jim didn't object

then on friday's jimmy free show with vic he said " I love these friday shows .. There's so much less pressure"

whatever that means

Same man that said his relationship with ant was better than it had been in years.

Btw I bought that at the time. I thought they really were going to continue to get along better and maybe make another comeback. I'm a fool.

"You say some weird shit to people"

another thought:

Opie wanted Jimmy to speak up when Opie was crying, yet in this fight Opie says "you aren't one of my close friends, we were never close"

Could have something to do with him knowing he has to work with Opie everyday for the next 10 months.

and then what happened?

Something I just realized about your post: it's too long and retarded.

The r-slur is offensive.



No you retard!! He was talking about retard!! Retard is an offensive term for water heads and mongoloids. Goddamn you must be retarded not to know retard is an offensive term. Man you are a major retard.


That's funny, because you're calling him a retard for not knowing "retard" is offensive.

Opie taught me well, now the student becomes the teacher!!

Thanks for your thoughts Professor

I think he was holding his tongue because he knew 90% of what Opie was saying was bullshit.

Yep. The first thing he says when he starts talking is "He didn't say 'You weren't good at radio'" or whatever. The first thing he did was instantly correct something Gregg had gotten wrong and was whining about for a half hour.


I think it's pretty plain and simple. I think Opie is resentful because they are doing the show together and Jimmy hasn't cut Anthony off the same way he has. To Opie, it shows a lack of loyalty and that is why he doesn't consider them "close" anymore. Especially, since he was the big decider about Jim becoming full time with the show, which he's happy to always throw out there. He's a man-child.

The worm saved his paycheck by keeping quiet. Thanks for catching up, but this is old news.

Jimmy knew Opie wasn't manipulating the haters behind the scenes



So much has happened since that fight. Its been great.


I don't know if it's been talked about before, but in Jim's advice shows after the fight he talks about how him and Opie weren't "going for knockout punches" because they knew they had to work together for some time afterwards. Jimmy "and Opie" have some secrets. Maybe about the time Jimmy saw Gregg's little wee?

It's like when your friend says something you know is a fucking lie but to call him on it would involve unearthing a bunch of shit so you have to walk on gregshells by staying quiet and just letting him think he got one over you by making you beleive what he said. Jimmy wasn't being loyal to opie , he knew if he called him out on anything itd unravel their entire relationship and there'd be no going back. I got a friend who goes to bars and drinks a lot and is a fat loser but he always tells me about the girls that were checking him out or the one chick who wanted to bang him, i know he's full of shit but to call him out would destroy the persona hes created itd destroy our whole friendship. Same situation cocksuckah

Interesting thought. But Jimbo was using Ant's nonsensical talking points about how they should have tried to resolve their issues on-air instead of off-air.

I think Opie's main issue was that Jimmy never once directly said anything against Ant even after he continued taking shots at Opie, making up rumors etc. after the 'cease fire'. And Jimmy refused to acknowledge Ant's behavior when Opie asked him point blank.

Why was ant's "talking point" about how they should have hashed shit out on the air "nonsensical?"

I heard the 'fight' only once, real time. Opie's insecurities, weaknesses and untruths have been analysed to death so I'll let that be.

The part that bothered me was Jim's resentment that Opie doesn't laugh at jokes Opie doesn't find funny, particularly paedophile / child molestation bits. Due to the shows format Jim's fully entitled to do the bits, but Opie as a father is equally entitled to silently disapprove. If Jim is butt-hurt when Opie doesn't fake-laugh, tough shit.

The other bothersome part was Jim bitching that he opens his whole life on the show but Opie holds back. Again, get over it Jim. Fault Opie if he lies, but not if he chooses to keep certain subjects private, such as wife and children.

Hell, Opie reveals all kinds of weird ass things no normal person would, like crapping on a public beach, justified by the seagulls eating it up.

I think what Jim meant was Opie was acting like he's too cool for the room, didn't want to chime in on anything

Eat shit, faggot. really wrote a lot there.


Something I just realized about OP..

His penis is tiny.


Can someone just delete the Opie Vs. Jimmy fight from youtube? It had NOTHING. TO. DO. WITH. OPIE. If Ant had never made those racist tweets, Opie never would have been in that position and him and Jim would have gotten along fine. Him putting Opie in that position and absolutely REFUSING to take any responsibility or have any morals whatsoever is what caused it all and opie and jim should just forget about him. Fuck, I hope he gets outed as a black racist on Maury. IIrrrooonnnyyyyy:

Whoa, what's up with this guy ^

Ant is getting smashed on this sub and this clown LOVES 'em wop balls, so he put on his reverse-psychology-troll -hat. The idea is that no-one wants to side with his ridiculous over the top pc shit.

so much better the second time