It's good to see Bob Kelly is taking his health seriously and has made some changes in the new year

11  2016-01-10 by onadoor



Why did he start smoking cigars on top of everything?

Because Bobby's heart thinks it's a tough guy. It handles the bacon, cheese, steaks, chips -no problem. Like it's some sort of big shot.

Big shots need to be taken down a few pegs. And Bobby has just the trick to do it.


this fat glob of shit just can't stop eating. Look at his podcast logo, he's even trying to eat the mic

But I don't think that food and smoking is healthy

Sloppy fatseroni

Oh literal ShadowbannedKeithM

You must have misread the instagram post. He doesn't seem to be taking his health seriously or be making any changes for the new year.

Bob must be on his eighth fat. How many more does he have left?

This is his penultimate fat, the one after that will be in a casket.

BK: "You know what, dude? Refined sugars and simple carbs are the worst for you. I eat all natural, the way we were meant to eat. I feel great."

There's no way he feels great. He just doesn't know any better.

Gotta bulk up for the new season of S&D&RR

He won't see his kid graduate High School.

Bob forgot to make his wife take the tree down.

Smoking and eating shitty is more important than being alive to be a father to his kid. And you guys think O&A are pieces of shit.

Really suprised the comments arent nastier, is instagram a safe space?

There's no way he gave up eating sugar, im a lazy bastard and i quit sugar and lost 35 pounds in just over a year doing no exercise.

This lump trots about all over the place and works every day yet still looks like he's as fat as the day he was banging on about how much better Asian Pears taste now he's off the sugar. And that was back when OandA was still a thing.

Anthony should start organizing the Bob Kelly memorial benefit so it's impossible for him to get nixed from it.

hes a fat guy

Posted a quick line about him being on an endangered species list and he blocked me. Stupid fuck thinks he can eat a troth full of meatballs and bacon as long as it doesn't have any carbs duuude.

The best gift under that Christmas tree would be a dead Bob Kelly.