Are Ants black friends considered uncle toms?

0  2016-01-10 by Lilcumia

And will he get black guests in after that tape leaked? The staff and Jim are probably scared to bring it up but they must have heard it. He and other tac shows haven't adressed it on the show like he did with Sterling


not 'Cousin Vinny's?

I wasn't shocked when I heard it, but he saidnthe word with so much disgust, and fucking venom. I used to think ant was just sort of white guy paranoid, but over the last few years he has really proved himself to be a full blown racist. If it was any 1 or 2 things there would still be some doubt, but Anthony is a fucking racist. And it sucks because I think he's a super talented eccentric dude who could probably be some kind of performer if he wasn't so obsessed. Imagine how many ppl would want to collab with ant of he didn't have such a bad reputation.

You mean that you think he will get non-black guests? The guy is being shunned.

Nope. Just niggers.

Carlton comment?


Just because he says nigger dosent mean he can't have black friends or guests. Even if it's a sherrod "keep your enemies close" type situation. Ants rep is destroyed at this point but he will always have a huge amount of fans( me being one)