Apparently Dani has a compound fractured rib...

120  2016-01-10 by Baby_Belugas

It's a joke. I'm new here.



This is the best verbalization of that awful song I've seen

And your comment helped me understand what it was.

Haha! Great.

I always visualized that as, "daaawwwwWWWW...HUN DIGGY DIGGY DIGGY DIGGY DIGGY DAWWW..."

Then it gets away from me.

its more like 'baaaaaaooooooowwwwww' in the beginning

Does anyone know what this song is called? I've been trying to find the raw audio forever.

To what end?

Here it is on YouTube. No idea what it's called.


Hi new here, I'm gay.

Hi new here, I'm gay.

Chip and Ted will love you.

I'm not new but me too

Hi, Me too.

Let's all not start sucking eachother dicks quite just yet

Dude, do you even know where the fuck you are?

I'm pretty sure this was voted Reddits Second gayest subreddit

Behind what exactly

Oh true

Gay as in happy right?

Lets just say Steve C wasnt the only bear.

reservoir dogs?

Pulp fiction


Not bad. Fractured at the compound.

Not as good as that dude's "We'll beat ANY BRAND!", but not a terrible pun. thumbs up

Tssyeah, I herd dat da docters also sedd she had legg injeries, to da ankul, da shin and Da-ni...

Fawkin berryd dat cocksuckah! Take us out ya fat pees a shit.


...y'hear wat I sed, Col?

Thanks, middle of the road MisterWayneEdwards

Oh my goodness, you're welcome passive-aggressive Baby_Belugas!

I like this place already.


I don't like that your username brings Bob Kelly's kid into the spotlight.

But it's time for them to nail the "Splash Zone"

or the fact that the last word in the title brings bob kelly's favorite food into the spotlight. i know, bit of a stretch. like the clothes bob kellys wearing

I get it.



If you remove three ribs you can suck your own dick easily.

ME: Haha vurry good vurry good alright snowy is on the line

Fahkin' home run.

To be fair, Ant gave her a stiff bone that wasn't broken quite a few times too.


Half stiff at best.

FAWWWK!!! !!

But are you brand new?

Brand spanking new?



My ribs hurt from laughing.

...Hurtin today


tss ant got arrested for assault with a deadly PECKA

tss ant got arrested for carrying a concealed weapon in his pants

i'm talkin bout his BIG PECKA ladies

i'm just riffin

sometimes you got just keep talk or people will tune out



anthony cumia was arrested for raping a child

She also has a face that makes lies.

Is that why he made a fake gofundme?

Dani went from playing in the Stress Factory as a little girl, to playing in the Stress Fractury as an adult who pretends to be a little girl.

Good night, reddit.

OK...Now that made me laugh.

"I get jokes".


shame on ant what a bad man!

Good point, stupid.


tss fawk, dat's a good wun dvv dvv tss tss

tss tss mohr liek uh comphond fractured chickhen legh..go hed

what if it was YOUR daughter who was kicked, slapped, punched and finally, choked.... not so funny now huh?


I wouldn't let my retarded daughter near that old bastard


She is still there. They think she is brain damaged and thats why she talks like a child

Upvote only is not good enough for this one. Made me howl ffs

Domestic violence isn't funny

What about international violence?


You peesa gahbage

But joking about it on o&a shows was apparently or you wouldn't be here

This is the best verbalization of that awful song I've seen

Haha! Great.

I always visualized that as, "daaawwwwWWWW...HUN DIGGY DIGGY DIGGY DIGGY DIGGY DAWWW..."

Then it gets away from me.

And your comment helped me understand what it was.

Does anyone know what this song is called? I've been trying to find the raw audio forever.