We're having one of the world's first public interventions.

0  2016-01-10 by brianpeckahs

Anthony, you're not the same when you drink. You were funnier sober on the radio. When you drink, you just like to rant about the blacks, groom underage girls, and (allegedly) brutally assault soggy whores.

Who wants to go next?


You do realize that during their glory days at WNEW he drank during the show and they even had shot girls some days. Not to mention fully stocked bud lights and Sam Adams. Also a jagermeister machine. He just used to be a happier person.

Interventions aren't supposed to be honest, Stanhope.

You must be a sycophant

I must have missed something. Are you talking about Burr's wife, what did he do?

Hes racist

I know, that's one of my biggest problems with him. My biggest is that he doesn't just come out and say what he means. Everything is veiled. He used to talk about posting to niggermainia.com on the old show but wouldn't give our his username for fears of being fired. Well give it out now. Somebody should ask him about that on Twitter.

Why are you using an alt account to whine about Ant?

He was asking about another thread.

Can you answer my question?

Can you stop being a racist ballwasher?

How am I a racist?

You supprt racism and pedo woman beating alcoholics. I also suspect he gambles too much and doesn't really eat healthy.

Thats not racism tumblr. Here is the definition of racism:

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

So I ask you again, how am I racist?

He said sycophant not elephant.

One of the first public interventions? You do realize there is an internationally broadcast show called "Intervention?"

It's like Anthony is Amy Winehouse just he's far less: well known, talented, admired, wealthy, healthy, educated, compassionate and loving than Amy prior to her death.

Anthony, your drinking has affected me in the following ways.........


Please keep drinking. Keep beating your girlfriends. Keep on peeding the young ones. Please o please keep the drunk Twitter ranting about the coloreds. And continue the passive aggressive but mostly passive shots at Tit.

Boo tits

I would rather he just drink bleach tbh people like him dont stop being racist.

I think this is more reminiscent of a mid-life crisis than an alcohol problem but to each his own.




The gang.

When, exactly, was Anthony doing sober/dry radio?

During their glory days at WNEW, Sam Adams was a sponsor and would send the show hundreds of bottles of beer per month. Anthony and the guest would drink a ton of them each show.

The show also had a Jägermeister machine in the office - which lead to several on-air intoxications by hosts and guests.

O&A both agreed that the machine had to go, because people were getting hammered, routinely.

are we?

are we?

You must be a sycophant

Interventions aren't supposed to be honest, Stanhope.

Hes racist

He said sycophant not elephant.