Arrogant bastard

6  2016-01-09 by I_Hate_Knickers_2


No comedy clubs on that street.

What city is that in? I'd love to go and rip it down and hang it on my wall with a noose.

If you liked that, you'll fucking love this:

" Norwich’s Gropekuntelane, which now goes by Opie Street, was immortalized in Latin text as turpis vicus, or ‘the shameful street’. "

LOL now that is perfect for Opie.

"Gropecunt Lane was a street name found in English towns and cities during the Middle Ages, believed to be a reference to the prostitution centred on those areas; it was normal practice for a medieval street name to reflect the street's function or the economic activity taking place within it. [...] Streets with that name were often in the busiest parts of medieval towns and cities, and at least one appears to have been an important thoroughfare."

That's hilarious.

Norwich, UK.

It's a tiny road going nowhere, but would have you think it's as big and popular as Prince of Wales road, but if it wasn't for it's co-road Castle Meadow no-one would ever know it exists.

Oh, and I think we pronounce it like a surprise dessert: "Oh, pie!" street.

Well considering his bitch tits and growing belly he probably yells out "OH PIE!!!!" a lot these days.

ill have you know that Opie HATES that nickname. he doesn' t even want it, he got it when he was like 12 and it just stuck with him all his life. nice try with the hate tho.

yeah you know that faggot arrived at Geneseo and went to the frat parties like "Hey what's up brothaman? Name's Gregg but my friends (?!) call me the Opster."

Arrogant Bastard is a great beer.


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what an asshole. people are just trying to lives, and Opie can't stop with the plugs

Did The Knick get banned or are you really pulling a JoeRogan2 on a forum member? Come owwn, man!

I'm here huckleberry. Got bammed for having a huge pekka.


Oh, ok. You caught some hate and I wouldnt put it past people to get too obsessed;


Send me a picture of your erect penis please.

lol, it really is you! why'd you get banned, though, for real?

I don't like protracted conversations but I'll make an exception for your dumb ass.

No clue, possibly because I linked this sub from askreddit. Is that brigading?

Mods didn't answer my messages though so I don't know.

I dont think that's brigading and I had to google protracted conversation but yeah I agree, I'm out.

Tssss whatcha lose your protracter or somefin?

I'm here huckleberry. Got bammed for having a huge pekka.


lol, it really is you! why'd you get banned, though, for real?