Bob Kelly raped a retarded girl

16  2016-01-09 by [deleted]

Pepperidge Farm remembers.


The retarded girl has a better knowledge of nutrition and portion size

inside her cunt

As are a shitload of pennies.

....and Kurt Metzger choked out his girlfriend, Jimmy fucked a black out drunk possibly under age fan of the show, they are all garbage people.

Colin Quinn is a saint on earth

Other than calling Tina Fey a cunt when she was probably acting like a cunt (this comes from a cunt), Colin is a real Saint. Read Artie's 2nd book. Colin was supporting Artie's mother and sister financially and emotionally during Artie's psychosis.

You truly are a cunt

There's a 30 Rock episode about that.

I read that as 'a saint on oit'

Haha, perfect way of spelling that pronunciation

He fucked a cat.

Lucky cat


I really don't give a care!

That was masterbation... cuz Colin is one cool cat!


Louis ck jerked off in front of a sleepy comedianne

it was actually Stanhope, he admitted it

What really

Dammit I pretty much wrote that guy off don't give me a reason to like him.

Wait what's wrong with Stanhope now? He's pretty great.

Stanhope is a goddamned legend.

he's like a mirror

I'm shocked how much that caught on as a "fact" when he was clearly joking.

Gives you an insight into just how stupid everyone around here is.

We are a big bunch of dummies

Louie ck showed his penis to a retarded girl, but then again who hasn't?

Patrice O'Neal went to prison for rape.

Didn't he go to jail because after a gang bang kind of deal went public the girl said she was forced and then 2 months later retracted and he went free?


I can't remember the whole story. I'm just here to stir shit. I don't give a fuck about Anthony getting uninvited but I do think it would be funny if everyone started pointing out Patrice went to prison for rape. Patrice is dead and I don't care about his relatives sponging off his legacy so it could be funny. For the lulz.

No one on earth is going to jump on Patrice for that shit. It was statutory where he was 16 and she was 15. It almost doesn't even count.

Oh it counts. Not only did it follow Patrice around all his life but he said it completely ruined one of his friends that was also picked up.

False accusers really are fucking pigs.

you're right. he had a felony on his record for his entire life because of it. he talked about not being able to get into canada because of it.

So called "false allegations" is one of the biggest myths perpetuated by the white male dominated society. I've never heard of falsely accusing a man of rape. I HAVE heard of women being laughed out of police stations because of a girl being "too ugly to rape". Most police stations won't even listen to a victim of rape. "False accusers" don't exist pal. Rapists who get away with it are a massive part of the male American population. I can guess which one you are, dirtbag.

"False accusers" don't exist pal.

Listen dame, ya gotta lotta moxy comin' around here with your ankles showing.

I can't tell whether I should bother to reply to something so stupid. But....

"Rapists who get away with it are a massive part of the male American population."

Wow. The spartans and apaches would have left an infant like you exposed to the elements, is all I'm saying. Just because multiple miggs threw cum on you during your train ride once doesn't mean there's a rapist hidden under every rock, nor is it morally ok to try and justify ruining somebody's life because "all men are evil and even if he isn't guilty, some man somewhere at some time was."

God I hope you're trolling.

This is the internet, there's always people looking to be outraged by something. SJWs do exist, ya know!? Even just mentioning it a lot of twitter would make the people involved uncomfortable. I think there could be some fun from it.

stfu faggot

The rape charges failed, IIRC. He went to jail for having sex with a 15 year old when he was 16, he claimed.

Jimmy fucked a black out drunk possibly under age fan of the show

I did not know this. Did they ever talk about it?

That's the infamous story they would only hint at. It's why Master Po was such an asshole about checking peoples' IDs at the door.

because one of the members of the show might end up fucking them. great work environment that XM cultivated gotta admit.

That's her own fault for getting too close to the tank

She stumbled by and gravity did the rest.

He just held a rock over her head and forced her to perform fellatio. No big deal.

Fuck you Lady Trucker, you fat cunt you make Bobby look like Kate Moss. Drive your truck into a ditch.

Is that who this is?

Yes, she's Lady Trucker, she used to be one of the mods but then she got mad at people recognized who she was so she deleted her account, lol

Wong she was never a mod here.

She absolutely was - not under the janedoe whatever name, but her old name.

No she wasn't I pick every single mod that has ever been a mod here and we all talk to each other. The female mod here was not lady trucker. People drove her nuts calling her that and then followed her around so she quit. But of course you know sine you have something to do with how mods are picked here and I have no idea sine I started this subreddit.

shut up faggot

Keep telling yourself is right web you have zero ideas what happens behind the scenes

keep telling myself is right i have zero ideas what happens behind the scenes?

I'm not Lady Trucker. I can't even drive stick. Just another one of the six female O&A fans.

Are we doing this again?

Didn't Louie do something like that with a retarded girl too?

all mexicans have

When he was a kid, he showed his dick to a girl with Down's syndrome.


He fucked his sister - Hence his Dawns syndrome!


and he left another one in his freezing basement after his mom came home while the handicapped girl was jerking him of with gritty lava soap.

"Pepperidge farm remembers"...make a little "meme" about killing yourself and then do it.

Why don't you follow your own advice, you quote mark over using faggot.

oh boy, i use too many quote marks, I just might after that crushing insult. Dont talk bad about memes in front of this guy ^

Oh just because I tell you to kill yourself I have a meme agenda now?

shut up, faggot

I don't reacted pretty angrily to an anti-meme comment...doesnt look very good for you as far as having anything other than a pro-meme agenda. :/

In 1990?

Sure but what was she wearing? She was probably askin' for it.

No helmet and a very short bib.

Also, a sink. Not sure which is worse.

But Is it still rape if you're retarded too

And yet he'd still take forcible sex with a retard over consensual sex with you lady trucker


To be more specific it was a gang rape. I think Bobby was last to go in too and he said that her pussy looked like it was caked with tapioca. In his defense, he was pretty young.

shut up faggot