I bet Opie is loving this ..

4  2016-01-09 by [deleted]

Being able to watch Ant crumble like this.

I guess it's true what they say .. Opie ALWAYS wins.


every time I hear someone say opies winning makes me wanna litter old food in their mouth

Opie isn't just winning. He's dominating.

fawkin tygas blood and madonnas dna tss

You say odd things to no one in particular on the Internet.

leave it alone

Nah, Opies always miserable


I bet Netanyahu is loving this...

Being able to see Gaza crumble like this

I guess it's true what they say...The Jews ALWAYS win

they scored 6 million the last time they won big.

Look at AlimonyKills post history, my post will make more sense. He's a raging antisemite. He's either some muzzi sand nigger or Edward Furlong in American history X.

He's a raging antisemite. He's either some muzzi sand nigger or Edward Furlong in American history X.

he is racists all over the place - he does not discriminate against jews in that area , so stop whining

I don't give a fuck, I was raised Christian, thought it was bullshit, agnostic now.

I never said that you were anything , you racist fuck

This is a race between (D)opie and (R)ant who has more self destruction in him. Dopie used to win, but Rant is having a really strong finish.

You really want to stick with that Dopie and Rant thing? Really?

It's Opie level humor. Fucking boo

Anyone that tunes in to his shit show ALWAYS loses

leave it alone