It's your party and I'll cry if I want to ...

14  2016-01-09 by antchya

I'm getting fucked. I got fired last year because I said racist shit. I had been saying racist shit for years. My business partners, associates and customers got increasingly uncomfortable with that racist shit, but I was talented so they mostly ignored it. Our corporate sponsors were aware of it as well, but shrugged their shoulders because no one outside of our niche customer base ever noticed. But then I acted like a fucking shithead and went off on a very ugly, very public racist tirade in front of a bunch of strangers. All of a sudden, my business partners, associates, customers and corporate sponsors were like oh shit now everyone knows what a pathetic hateful retard he is and that could affect us all financially, so let's kick this dumb bum out on his ass. I then spent the next year and a half ranting about my former business partners and associates to all our customers. Then I got arrested for beating the shit out of the daughter of one our business associates. Now I can't go the annual gala. Such fucking bullshit. I'm gonna manipulate my most retarded customers to go on a racist jihad against the wife of one of my former business associates. Gonna snicker every time they call her a nigger. Woe is fucking me. Gonna go get fucked up on booze and pills at the nightly pity parties my loser brother and my failed cop friend throw for me. At least I got a couple thousand pathetic fucking retards willing to waste money every month to watch me do a cable access show out of my basement. I may be a racist but I ain't a rapist like the creep you're throwing that gala for.


Sounds familiar. Wait, is this an episode of Seinfeld?

Goddammit he got me!

This sounds like someone

The opster is on a hot streak eh??


Tl;Dr shitpost as the previous gentleman said shutup and kill yourself try to keep some dignity

who gives a fuck ya faggot

Clearly him and his 206 alt accounts do.

Another shadowbannedkeithm new alt account to manipulate the hate

Opie is that you? Oh wait, can't be, most of the words are spelled properly.

Maths more of his strong suit.

Shatup you spoiled suburban brat...


Hey, we get that a lot of people have the same opinion, Ant is hateful and should apologize etc etc, but youre just turning yourselves into parodies of each other with all these "circlejerk" posts


I'm crossing my fingers for wierd news.


an asshurt lisping liberal who is sad that Ant wasn't a gaping-asshole politically correct faggot.

It's not your fault.