Jim Norton is a fuckin worm

0  2016-01-08 by Fairlysquarely

He'll never be anything more than a pontificating middle man who plays it safe with everyone in hopes his disaster of a comedy career will eventually take off. He's a hypocritical, self-deprecating tranny lover who's tombstone will read "I'm just here for the paycheck"

He's a spineless , perverted worm who hasn't been funny on the radio in years. His obsession with celebrities who don't give a FAWK about him is pathetic


Right now Jimmy is having a man shit on his chest whilst Kenny guards the door. He's the happiest of the trio

Hi Ant.

His career might be a joke compared to some celebs but the guy is a millionaire for telling jokes for a living. He makes 10 times what I make and I have to wake up early and work long hours.

Is jim a millionaire?

He's making six figures on the radio and selling out shows, he better be

he owns a two bedroom in Manhattan luxury building, he is a millionaire.

My friend owns a 3 bedroom in a luxury building and he's broke. This means shit.

His Sirius contract is more than $1 million and has to be doing well

For a bunch of complete and utter losers, this sub is really hard to please.

Jim Norton is a sweet boy, keep him out of this.

Hi Jim


When the fuck did he say Ant was his best friend? Also, his "best friend" severely impacted his career and put him in incredibly awkward spots... Where's Jim's apology from Ant?

He's a big boy, I don't think he wants an apology from Ant, despite what everyone thinks all the sudden.

Jimmy's never felt like he was in the middle

Ever since he has become one of Amy Shumer's skin tags he has changed a lot.

Jimmy is funny on the radio everyday. He has good and bad days. Even on his worst day we should be celebrating him for carrying that busty fossil around on his back and singlehandedly keeping the the radio show almost relevant.


I agree, Jim is just a fame whore. Opie is right that Jim should have been defending him when he responded to Walking on Gregshells. Either join with Anthony or defend Opie a little bit.


"Jim Norton plays it safe." - Utterly clueless fucking morons.

100% agree.

Tell us how you really feel.

But he is soooo sexy...

So do you like him?
