Mrs. Burr when Bill betrayed Anthony

0  2016-01-08 by unclepaul84


Not to get all "white knight-y" or whatever it but you don't think this kind of shit is disgusting? Perpetuating dehumanizing racial stereotypes? Even if you don't logically agree don't you just feel how wrong it is based on the wider social context? Or is this one place you get to go to call black people niggers so thats why you like it?

Not disgusting, just retarded and not funny.

What in the hell people like you ever saw in O&A is a mystery to me. I'm half black, which thanks to the one drop rule means i'm just black, and i don't need you sticking up for me you literally-white knight.


Congratulations that you don't care if someone calls you a nigger or a monkey. There are people that do dislike being treated like that. You must just squirt whenever a race topic comes up because you think beingg half-black gives you this big authority and so whatever you say about it is really important.


What you think that because I don't find unfunny jokes simply calling someone a monkey racist or that I think using the n-word freely means there is NOTHING funny I could see in O&A?

What other people do or do not like is of no concern to me. And having lived in and experienced both cultures does give me a measure of authority because i have actually experience what most people only theorize about. And being a light skinned, good hair having, high yellow means i have just as much shit to fear from BLM and ghetto niggers as i do skinheads and the klan. So i also get the worst of both worlds as well. And your finding words offensive really doesn't jive well with what the show was about at all.

"What other people do is of no concern to me." You must be super popular not giving a shit about the thoughts, feelings, and concerns of others. Its only a convenient claim because it shuts people up. In fact, you've probably pulled that card out so many times that it stops people from actually being able to have a conversation with you. On the O and A show they don't go on and always make crass unfunny jokes. And I actually like a lot of "racial" Jackie the Jokeman and Billy West on Stern. I think they get away with it to me because of the outrageousness. But calling being "dumb nigger" or just posting a pic of a monkey is fucking beyond hacky and , as is obvious to a great many people, when seen in relation to political beliefs and certain contexts it true fucking racism, its someone who really thinks there are genetic differences or just thinks a a whole race is just pure shit just because that is there race. Maybe they are just not funny enough for me, I dunno.

To quote the great Daniel Plainview, " I hate most people, I look at them and see nothing worth liking." So no, conversation is not my forte. And you're correct they didn't make crass unfunny jokes, they made crass funny ones. And yes racism cannot only be funny, like rape, disease and molestation, but occasionally some groups of people, through their deeds, customs and culture justify said hatred and racism. Alot of women in Western Europe, probably as we speak, are paying the price of not calling savages out on their barbarity and putting a halt to it.

Oh they were asking for it and you know it. They probably were showing ankle.

They have free commie healthcare to take care of AIDS anyway so fuck 'em. Nobody else gives two shits about our faggy debate and I need to go jack off to BBW midget porn and get some sleep. Enjoy your ultimately meaningless life. Goodnight and toodle pip.


waaahhhhh :'(


Trite shit like this makes me understand why Bill hates Anthony and his ilk.

Hahaha good one keith


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