I'm glad to see this sub is standing up for good moral behavior.

0  2016-01-08 by EskimoEscrow

When Ant was accused, I was worried you guys wouldn't stand together against domestic violence and racism, as you have so many times before.
It feels great being part of this safe community, where racial and social injustice will not be tolerated!


I was finally persuaded by the 29,487 post by shadowbannedkeithm ripping ant.

You don't like how the majority of people here are now acting like smug, self-righteous cunts? Much moreso than usual, even?



I prefer it when racial and social injustice are tolerated.

/r/opieandanthony - safe space


he's being buffeted in the social medias by a set of infamous scribblers.

Nothing of the sort. Ant is a wounded animal and a easy kill right now

Is this the excuse you guys are going with?
