Maybe they're shunning him to help him sober up? That tough love sort of thing? Seems like something Worm would do.

1  2016-01-08 by OrangeManhehe


Maybe he's just a pock faced, pedo, racist ghoul no one want to be around.

pock face? check

pedo? check

racist? check

ghoul? check

you forgot a "cuck" somewhere in there

Worked well for Lady Di.

No no no, it didn't work well. I lost my mind. Bill, go get me a Natty Ice.

you know that's all a work now right, stupid mark.

Are you actually retarded or is this a character you play?

He'll have plenty of time to sober up in prison.

If anyone is going to do an intervention it's going to be Colin. Not so much an intervention for alcohol but for his taste in women.