"What's the end game?!?" Cried the man who made a career inciting the "pests"

64  2016-01-07 by Jordash995

Reap what you sow, op and ant.


It was pathetic to try to pass it off with the "what can I say...they're digging deep, really deep" BS. What a hateable pockmarked fuck. Just like Tits crying about the nasty haters

Yeah, he fucking loved when this sub channeled its hatred towards Opie,

(I dislike Opie)

but for fucks sake, Anthony sells fucking "Torpid Sloth" shirts on his website! that thin skinned pock marked coward deserves everything he's getting.

Holy shit, I wasn't aware he was selling Torpid Sloth shirts. That's pretty fucking low. I feel less bad for him than usual.

Yeah but Anthony's the victim of online bullying :(

(I dislike Opie)

really going out on a limb there

I know this is an unpopular opinion around here but I think Gregg Hughes is a snoozer. There I said it.

We don't care for that type of language on /r/opieandanthony

Exactly. Take it somewhere else, and maybe stop at the store on your way, so you can pick up a container of class.

Yeah, and while you're there, maybe buy some deodorant? Because your views on women absolutely stink.


It has to be said.


He's your classic coward. Can give it but can't take it. Pretty much like a huge number of the fans. That's why so many can relate to him so well. Just the way he handled the whole Bill Burr thing showed what a coward he was and the way the fans acted like they were in high school and whined about the fact that Bill Burr wasn't following Ant on Twitter (which happened months before he got fired) showed how much like him they are. They all make up a snake eating its own tail and I fucking love it.

And the sad thing is if they just showed some fucking backbone they could have been a lot more popular than they were simply by the amount of people who were regulars on their shows who are now enjoying a fair bit of popularity.

(I dislike Opie)

Upvoted for this.


Says the faggot r/shitredditsays poster.

My 8 alt accounts are coming in handy today.


Expect an IP ban.


oh for fucks sake

I guess looking at publicly visible information is "digging deep" to Ant.

Did he really cry?

Yes, on air

That's just great.

They both really are some sissy faggots with mental issues. How the fuck is James Norton the most mature, rational one of the 3?

Not like Jimmy hasn't cried on air. Multiple times.

As far as I can remember, he hasn't cried over people saying mean things about him. I could be wrong though.

Fair point

I remember when he cried over Roger Ebert.

That was the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Can you imagine crying at work because a movie reviewer couldn't speak anymore?

All three of these clowns are fucking strange.

No I didn't Neva cry over dat jawless pecka dat one time

Beheading videos get far less emotion out of me than pictures of that Brundlefly-after-the-shotgun-blast trying to smile.

Granted that emotion's more horror than sadness, but I gotta click that shit off asap.

I think you're right. He can (mostly) take his shit like any true comedian. He's the least cowardly of the three of them.

Link please. Somehow I missed the sobbing. Was it worse than Tit's tears?

People are exaggerating. No tears were shed

Only his dignity.

So ant cried like a bitch?

Is bes' we treat him like a bitch then.

*like a nigger


When? Anybody got the audio?

I listen to Anthony every day, when the hell did he cry?

Whine is the proper term. No tears shed.

This sub was trying to out Ant as a pedo with a 19-20 year old girl they found buried in his Vine favorites. I'd call that digging deep.

Opie cried because people made fun of him and it hurt his feelings. Ant is annoyed because people are trying to publicly out him as a pedophile. If you can't see the difference, you're an idiot.

why did he delete his Vine account and unfollow 100's on instagram yesterday?


It's true, I do hate ant for his Libyan roots

ME during any Jocktober:

"But you know what's gonna happen right?"


"The pests are eventually gonna turn and destroy us"

smug laughter

They never thought it would actually happen.


Yup, they would both frequently say how they had created a monster that they couldn't control and that one day it was sure to turn on them. I don't get too involved in the hate, but I find it hilarious to watch them both be so shocked that their frequent prediction actually came true.

What was the end game for Jocktober?

You have bopped the lil' nail on its lil' head.


The end game will be a scorched earth, with only a naked E-Rock left behind, lying in a pile of rubble and waste, with his hand in a bottle of mayo.

And Denny will be the god who stands over the rubble.

Drinking his own piss.

Drinking Papa John's garlic butter sauce cups

Butter saw

Scorched earth? Weird news


Hiding under a refrigerator door

Opie broke down in tears and Anthony is a broken husk of what he used to be.

And if they are honest they can only blame themselves for what they created.

In their own special and unique ways, they're a pair of cunts.

If only Opie could get himself arrested and then they had to share a cell. It would be cinematic.

For a guy who's watched Downfall at least 200 times, what a bizarre question.


Quit harshing the vibe bruh

And quite right too.



Whats the end game? Whats the end game in following twitter pretweens?

The man is simply trying to update his frame of references and exposure to modern culture after we made fun of him for being nothing but platoon quotes and dice impersonations. It's research for the show!

Butt stuff.


The funny thing is Ant's shit is way more fucked up than Opie.

I can't stand Opie as much as the next guy, but worst case scenario he's an abomination at his job.

Ant is an alleged domestic abuser, racist, and has questionable sexual preferences.

questionable sexual preferences.

*Jim Norton

they knew they were creating a monster, what did they expect?

I learned it from you dad!

I love how he cozied up to this sub and pandered to us by shitting on Opie only to have almost everyone here turn on him. He was getting people on this sub to like him after the latest Opie shit and now he has squandered all of that goodwill to the point that more redditors actively try to fuck with him.

Now he can't even entertain the possibility of ever joining up with Jim and Opie again. He set off a thermonuclear device on that bridge.

Add reddit to the list of social media platforms that have done nothing to help Ant.

i would love to see him fill those pockmarks with salty wop tears in stunning hd on his podcast.

he kicked, punched and slapped a woman, broke her hands and all her ribs yet WE'RE the bad guy!?

Remember when he dumped out of and got all pissy about someone plugging FBA? If that were Opie, people would be destroying him (and rightly so). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNs0oK1OvMI

Lobster Girl.

Never Forget.

This was at the height of the FBA being referred to as a hater board.

The FBA and Wackbag "war" lol

I remember him dumping out of the plug, but Opie is the one that got all pissy.

To be fair, the pests always seemed like Opie's thing; stemming from his desire to "reinvent radio" and defeat Howard Stern.


Hide and seek.

The end game is they should admit their long seething feelings of man love for each other. Ant should deep dick Opie with his monstrous hog. Then they should get a place in the village together and raise teacup poodles and use Jimmy as their third for wild sex games.

Reap the whirlwind, niggas

How many times is this going to be parroted?

I think with the pests, though, it was funny how an unexpected presence of insanity would invade other people's worlds. This is just between Ant and his fans, and if youre still paying enough attention to Ant to dig through his twitter, it's just sad for all parties involved.

I remember when all these same exact topics were about Opie...hmph


We "faggots" as you like to call us have things called jobs that prevent us from standing in reporter shots at 2PM yelling "opie and Anthony xm 202!"

But hey, how was dugout doug's funeral? How many jugaloos were in attendance?

lol, I remember when you went by @TheJordonKay ;>

Nice try w/ the "We have jobs" though!

Holy shit Doug died?

Dugout Doug is dead? That's why he's been AWOL since '08?

I've been out of the loop for the past few days. I did watch the video where Anthony said that line, but I was a bit confused on to whom he meant. Does he mean progressives that don't like him? Or are there people on this sub (or the TACS sub) actively going after him? If so, why? He's the one with an entertaining show, not Opie, and we've known about his faults for years. What brought on this new hate?

TACS is a flaming pile of dogshit. Shame on you for wasting your money on such garbage.

I don't subscribe, though. The video of him was posted in this subreddit. People always busted Anthony's balls, but it felt like things took a turn here and I was wondering if he did something specific for it to happen.

Dont shit on a fan of your show, my dad said once...

Did he do that before his roller coaster video? What I'm asking is what brought this on?

just hit the "next" button and go back to the posts from a week ago, lazy faggot

I did. It's just a bunch of people hating on Brother Joe, which is at least understandable.

keep going. hit next 4 more times.

Was it over him favoriting those Vine videos, or is it related to the domestic abuse case? Someone also implied he insulted a fan as well.

all of it

Ok, thank you.

Christ on a push bike, you all are a bunch of faggots.

Trying to dig up shit for shits and giggles like with Tits is fine. But trying to dig shit up on Anthony, when he has ongoing legal issues isn't cool. There's a world of difference between the two, wait until Anthony's legal situation is over before messing with him.

that doesn't even make sense. He shouldn't have caused his legal situations to begin with.

He's making fun of us for wasting time while he continues to do what he loves and make a fuckton of money doing it.

do what he loves

He hasn't been on the radio since July 2014

make a fuckton of money doing it

*citation needed

I will take the unpopular view, but I think Ant got drunk and liked some very illegal girls which is highly disgusting, but he is a funny guy and I think he was probably drunk when he did it and that he is probably a relatively decent guy at his core. I suspect he mostly just has to get sober for things to improve.

So pedophilia is one of the side effects of alcohol. Kay.

How much should I drink not to go below 14? I have morals.

In terms of acting on it, I think it definitely is. I have no effing idea what would cause someone to feel that initial attraction though. That is fuckin bizarre.

I always wondered if it had to do .with his weird fucked up sexually history as a young kid.... the whole buzz story is really weird like he lost his virginity at 14 to some young girl that was hanging around with his dad a lot....

in no way am I excusing it but it's just a thought as why he has a attraction to girls that are younger....

relatively decent guy at his core

Relative to what?


Other blacks*

That is a fair question. I would say a hunch, but perhaps an inaccurate one. I don't know. Perhaps me using "relatively decent" was without that much thought. Perhaps it was because I am still hoping he is relatively decent. I have teenage daughters and I would shoot any 50 year old who fucked them. Yet I also feel sorry for some pathetic fuck 200+ miles away who is so damaged that they feel attracted to girls with braces when they are 50. Some serious dark shit definitely happened somewhere along the way for that to happen.

I doubt it was that dark. He probably just got tired of women with any self confidence to speak of giving him shit every once in a while, and said "fuck this, I have the money to get who I want", and that meant girls who are still used to listening to what their teachers and school administrators tell them to do. Make sure your books have approved school covers on them, only use your lockers at the specified times, and no backtalking your elders.

I am pretty new to reddit, yet my initial post got me -9 votes. After reading your posts, I feel pretty confident we would agree with things. I appreciate your perspective.

He's an hebephile not paedophile if allegations about 14 year olds are true

He is sexually attracted to Jews?

Urrr don't geddit...Hebe...Jew?

Yes hebe is an ethnic slur for Jews, wtf is is up with this sub lately

Never heard of it...not American

me neither, but how can u be a listener if you don't know these things? Confusing.

People probably thought the same about subway jared before the feds came kicking in his door.

I agree. But he's earned the most epic ball busting ever. All in with the ballbustin.


It's true, I do hate ant for his Libyan roots

questionable sexual preferences.

*Jim Norton

In their own special and unique ways, they're a pair of cunts.

Yeah, and while you're there, maybe buy some deodorant? Because your views on women absolutely stink.