This nigga Opie said...

50  2016-01-07 by Dannyprecise

...while reading a tweet by Ricky Gervais: "forget an Emmy or an Oscar, Making A Murderer deserves a Noble prize..."

He pronounced it exactly how I spelled it. Not Nobel. Noble. Vic -Always has a fucking story- Henley quietly corrected him but no one else noticed and they just moved on.


"I was clearly joking, the show has just passed you by."

"That was a joOoOoke."

I read this and heard him saying it in my head... complete with the deep, octave lower "joooooke." Somebody please make it stop

The Noble Piece Prize

an award given to a gentleman with a decent peckah


wha did I say?... wha happened?
Yes, OF COURSE I know it's Price!!! burp

sigh it's early... I'm good at math

ME: Im heating up

I could've been a model...

But I was a rock star at science and shot off the lights with my three pointers.


"Noble Piece Prize" for a movie.

Opie is so god damn stupid, I just want him dead.

"That's the bit!"

It was just a goof you dopes

Opie's stupidity is highly exposed because he speaks for a living. His lack of depth is mainlined from his brain, out his mouth, and directly into a microphone in real time for the world to hear. I trust him driving a car, putting on deodorant, and remembering to lock the doors to his home at night. But the fact that 2 young children are depending on him for guidance and wisdom is pretty depressing.

"well Hud, if things ever start to get you down, just gotta leave it alone and go all in with something new ya know?

He doesn't even trust himself to drive a car

He still fruit-boots to work in the mornings, doesn't he? Like, doesn't Tits roller blade everywhere?

He pays a failed police officer to drive him everywhere.

Or when he was interviewing the physicist Michu Kaku (spelling?) and Kaku was explaining how big the universe actually is, and Opie responds with: "I just, I can't wrap my arms around that."

literally and figuratively amirite gang?

ME: I know. sniff. I was just in a weird place that morning to be completely honest with ya

Lol, I recently heard him pronounce the Scifi channel as Skifi, and I'm 100% sure he wasn't joking. Fucking Patrice was there and everything and no one said a word.

He meant it as an attack at the Emmies and Oscars as being corrupt...GAWWWWWD.



Opie is the epi-tome of illiteracy.

You had me at "This nigga Opie said"

When did it happen? I don't listen. I'm only here for when they fuck up.

Please don't use the N word. It's oppressive and venomous.

it's a JOOOOKE

"You clearly just prefer a different listen."

Maybe the show has passed you by. sniff. Haters

Same guy who shit on Ryan Seacrest as a broadcaster when discussing the NYE shows this week.

That's only a little bit stupider than the tweet itself.

Need a link to this. Even I can't believe someone would be this obtuse.

Vic -repeats the punchline to his jokes 2 or 3 times- Henley

My drug dealer calls me "Always-has-a-story" is that a good thing?

"And the Noble Peace Prize goes to the documen-tree....." drumroll

I'm kinda confused why Gervais would say it deserved a nobel prize. I just finished it and it was pretty good but I thought for sure they'd get off in the end. I guess it was good they brought attention to this but it was kinda just like watching a long ass court case. It was sweet when the fat jew mudderfucker got caught sexting at the end though.

Yeah, as someone pointed out, the joke itself isn't even funny. But of course Tits thought it was funny enough to read and he still fucked up pronouncing a word.

Gervais's tweet? I didnt even think that was a joke, thought he was just saying how good it was.

Yeah I don't even know. I went looking for the actual tweet but couldn't find it. I also didn't search with an vigor; all I heard was Opie reading a tweet and pronouncing "No-Bell" as "No-Bull".

Oh yeah, he's a retard. I was just kinda changin the subject. No doubts at all over his idiocy for calling it a noble prize no matter what it said.

Fuck Ricky Gervais.

It's hardly like he wants to fuck girls who look 13 though is it?

Why does a comment on one douche have to relate back to the other douche? Keep em seperated. That's what that shitty Offspring song was about.

You gotta keep em separated


The Kids Aren't Alright?


How do you know what he wants to fuck? He married a girl young enough to be his daughter and is raising her kids by another man. So he may trade her down and go for someone younger before too long.

You say "another man" as though Opie is one.