I know all my fans have probably been terribly worried about where I've been recently but have no fear because...

0  2016-01-07 by I_Hate_Knickers_2


( )=====| -)~ ~~ ~~~

I fucking hate you.

I fucking hate you.


I assumed (hoped) you died.

No my friend, although it was dark days indeed. After my bam I went for a long stalk and asked myself if I should perhaps take it as a sign and leave Reddit forever. I mean if I can get bamished, no one is safe. Oh I've placed a few zingers here and there elsewhere but I've just been shouting " OH LITERAL REST OF REDDIT! " for the most part. No one else gets it, nor do they care.

During my quest in the other subs I found myself looking for some solace; some place where funny and disgust, arousal and nausea go hand in hand. Some place, any fucking place where I can feel acceptance and dare I say it, love?

It was then that I decided that I would not give up on my mission no matter what the personal cost. If I have to create another account and wait 24 hrs then goddamit I will! Opie does not get to win; no way, no how. I'll see that fat titted monster dead or so help me my name isn't I_Hate_Knickers( _2 )!

Anyway, what have I missed? Is Ant inside yet? Did Opie briefly mention the arrest before moving onto more important business?

Is Sherrod still............you know?

How'd you get banned?

No clue. Mods didn't respond to my messages. I assume Opie had something to do with it. Either her or Joesephine Cumia.

Or Keith.

Or Sherrod.

You forget your password?

Got bammed.

I didn't know you were married.

Oh yeah, it's legal now.

How does one get banned from this sub?

I really don't know. The only thing it may have been was that I linked this sub while referencing it in answer to a question about which sub has the most hateful fans on askreddit or something?

I swear, dudes locked up for 30 years for a crime they didn't commit had it easier than me. More sex too.
