Why do people think Anthony is a pedophile?

0  2016-01-07 by MushtashWax

Honestly, I can understand the sexual attraction to 13 year olds. Most of us men became sexually aware around the age of 13. My first seriously dizzying sexual thoughts were about the girls in my class and on the bus, fucking Catholic School, Jesus. But I got laid a few times and moved on. Now they just remind me of being that age and there is some wistful remembrance. I think that's the way most of us feel.

But now I'm pretty much able to form any sort of relationship ONLY with girls that are relatively equal to me in confidence and intellect. Adults. Regardless of their age they should not be completely junior to you because of some deficiency. Fucking a 60 year old retard is just as revolting as fucking a 13 year old. Because you are dominating them. To me, that's what defines pedophilia and that's obviously what Anthony wants/needs. He's a kiddie fiddler.


Weird thread dude


Well, we don't care about you. We don't care about your sexual history. We already know Ant loves tweens, and this isn't your blog. Put your weird comments in one of the other 100 threads about Ant's Pedo ways. We don't need a whole thread about your virgin fantasies of a healthy sex life.

I'm still not sure if he is pro kid fucking or not.

You didn't care enough to leave a sizable comment. Are you a virgin? Is that why you got so steamed? Because I mentioned having had sex at some point?

20 minutes of googling and checking out this subreddit, I still can't figure out a reasonable answer to OPs question.

You're grooming a subreddit? This is important to you? I'm just having fun dude. Sorry if it offends you.

I'm not offended. You asked.

"Weird thread dude." Do you remember that? You say odd shit to people, dude.

Okay that's funny

It's a draw. Ultimately I'm just using all opportunities to break his balls because that's what makes me laugh today.

I'm glad you two made up, but that was not a draw, and the guy who got curbstomped certainly doesn't get to declare the draw in the first place.

Fine. He was way meaner than me. It's his win.

Lol, what a shithead you are

You're right I should stop. But it's free so I cant resist. upvoted.

Go ahead. Fuck that chicken.


Congratulations you win most offensive post on the sub reddit of all time.

Really? (eyes twinkling, mouth agape, like Ants dates)

You say odd shit to people dude.

This thread was posted from prison.

Exactly !!!

Those who live in glass houses, OP.

I'll admit to understanding the attraction. That's far from entertaining it and buying macbooks and wheelchairs.

Dat babies a LIAR!



15. Everyone here would find her attractive if they didn't know her age, so she is. Stop lying to yourself because she hasn't reached the arbitrary number.

Anthonys different though. The preference for girls who look like skinny children is creepy...

I'd fuck her.

She's legal in NY. She could hang out at the compound and if she got a tummy ache Ant could take her to the pediatrics ward at the local hospital.

I know. She was 15 in those photos though...

Of course it's always possible that he just liked that vine of Travis's daughter because he's a co-worker. And that he's just a fan of Game of Thrones so he liked the vines of Maisie Williams. And the thing with that british girl with braces, he liked around 50 of her vines because she's funny and interesting as fuck. That's possible too.

What was it like being on the OJ jury?

Lots a fuckin brown peckahs Tss