This is proof of how good a show O&A was.

4  2016-01-07 by MushtashWax

While this poison might have been lurking in our minds before we found the show, the show definitely gave a lot of us the prompting to express it this way. It's like now the show (as it used to be) exists in our heads and we shit it out on this sub and twitter and all the other media tools the show used to rely on. Once you defeat the enemies abroad you turn inward because the killing can never stop. Switching gears is never an option. Now the guys are being disparaged by their own show run amok. It's so fucking funny and poignant it could be a twilight zone episode. Most of you are fantastic human beings for keeping the hilarity going like the guy that gets up and stokes the fire after everybody went to sleep. Bless you.


"I started listening on Youtube in 2012. O&A created us pests over the years and now we have turned on them!"

Thank you for your service.

I was a navy seal..

A fighter, a former Governor !

You're right. Wanna duck my sick?

I aint nevah sucked no dicks couple years ago. Not once not nevah.

I remember the first time I smoked weed and went online too.