Longtime O&A fan who subscribed to TACS when ESD came on board. Ant with great guests is awesome radio.

9  2016-01-07 by [deleted]



Put Ant in a room of radical terrorists and something great is going to happen.

They accept him as their own?

Can someone explain why ESD has fans?

Because he lives near the shore where it gets stifling hot and humid, and they're good for circulating the air.

Agreed. Cumia is the stone soup of podcasters.

lol at the thought of great guests wanting to be on his show right now

He's had some great guests.


All he talks about is the PC culture and how much social media sucks. It still sucks, and how he can now talk uncensored what the fuck wasn't he able to talk about at Sirius ? I still haven't figured it out. He still is to cheap or egotistical to just get a good co-host, he has Keith as a producer and he gives his retard brother airtime. Its just over, he should have saved his money take a few years off and then get back on Sirius when the outrage cooled down.


Nice try but your guy seams to be getting pummeled by the other guy. Punch out man.

Getting a job might help break this endless obsession

What do you mean brother? You already have a job, at the restaurant.