Amy Schumer on domestic abuse victims: "You should have seen these outfits, they were just begging to be raped." (11:20) Bonus Vinnie Brand talk.

63  2016-01-07 by [deleted]


This is exactly why she said she used to a republican character as an act. Now when this shit comes out the doting slob fans she has will point out it was just an act.

I mean.. it WAS just an act. People don't literally mean the things they say when they tell jokes.

We know she doesn't literally mean it, but why the f does she have to be a Republican to say it? I'm not for either party but its just an asshole thing to say.

Like that's the worst thing said on that show/

Because the jokes she made are stereotypical republican/conservative ignorant talking points. The real question is why she felt the need to apologize for making jokes we clearly know not be be her real opinions.

Come on, conservative republicans joke about getting morning after pills? being huge whores? Her act has always been NY low self esteem air headed slut.

Oh, not when it's something I don't like! As soon as my feelings are hurt, those jokes become statements...

Don't you guys read my blog?

This is exactly why she said she used to a republican character as an act. Now when this shit comes out the doting slob fans she has will point out it was just an act.

So can Michael Richards come out and say he was doing the same thing? Fuck her, I hope she gets crushed by a horse.

You hope she gets crushed by herself?

It was just a bit. She was all in PERIOD.


That's not Amy, it's Tina Clifton

I still don't understand how any of her past jokes would be considered republican. I assume now that she's close with Chucky and Obama declaring her past as just a "republican character" she is absolved of all the racist and sexist jokes she used to tell. You know when people play a character its usually obvious and something everyone already knows about like Colbert or Neil Hamburger. If you are playing a character and no one knows either you are a shitty comedian or Andy Kaufman. She is no Andy Kaufman but she may have been able to beat him in a wrestling match.

"Come on, guyssss, John Wayne Gacy was just a character I was playing last Halloween...You aren't gonna charge me for all 33, right?"

That was the biiiiiit

I've never seen her stand-up, but I guess the thought process is racist, sexist, or offensive statements = Republican. Either way, it's still a weird thing to say because at least judging by her O&A appearances, I don't think her "character" ever referenced politics or said anything that would imply her statements were said for satirical purposes as opposed to shock value. She probably just said this because she thought reframing it that way would give her an out with SJW types, which is probably the case.

Jeselnik plays a character on stage too, the difference is he doesn't use his character to try to gain political brownie points, he just says his character is a self centered asshole.

"Shut up and bring me my giant turkey leg, you fuckin nothing"

Her and Ant were pretty close from what I recall (hanging out at places and they sound pretty familiar) and now the throws of media and politics have wedged them apart now. For the few of Amy's fans who know of Anthony Cumia, if they also knew she was friends with him their feminist blogs would be awkwardly silent as if opened mouth from disbelief for literally hours.


buried that cocksucka

fawk yeah

Appropriate username

Perfect angle of attack.

No guys it's ok! She was just playing a character

she was playing the part of Dumbo

That was one of the most childish comments I've read on here, and fuck it made me laugh.

I approve of this sub trying to take down Schumer. It's the biggest target yet, both literally and figuratively

We don't own enough harpoons unfortunately.

Compromising your image and behavior for big time money is totally understandable, but Amy Schemer has gone above and beyond the call of phoniness. She goes out of her way to do things she thinks will impress her peers, in a really shameless suck-up way.

Chill out, it's not going to guarantee you any more fame, money, or connections. It's actually just burning your image out quicker as a whiny loud political retard and the 5 minutes of fame are being wasted. All in all, her face and jaw are the worst I've personally seen.

Anyone catch 13:00 in when Kenny comes running in holding a banana cause Opie cried for it

reminds me of when Opie was talking to that one comic chick about her eating disorders and passing out, then he stood up and started crying like a baby for "someone get me something to eat! I'm gonna pass out! I'm SERIOUS!!!"

One of you losers should make a super cut of all the terrible things she said before she sold out to the liberal elite and then spread it around everywhere

Its a character shitlords. Shes pointing out the racist patriarchy! Shes brave and beautiful, and did you hear that she and Jennifer lawrence are friends??? They should do a comedy together and play strong, fun, self-actualized women.

She knew she couldn't make it playing in comedy clubs as a high brow ARTEEEESSTTTT so she went low brow, dirty comic girl to get attention and money and fame. And now that she has it she is cleaning her image up so the soccer mom crowd supports her. And essentially saying FUCK YOU to her other fans that she doesn't need anymore. Or she really is just low brow comic girl and is embracing her new image for movies and TV's because her agent and manager told her that is what she needed to do. Either way she used her fans.

So she is basically like an average woman, she used guys for what she wanted and when she got it she moved on.

I wonder if this would work with my wife.. "I was just pretending I was someone who would fuck around. I, Myself, the Icon_Crash that you married actually wouldn't."

I really don't care either way about Schumer.

How exactly do you "play a character" 24/7 before becoming famous?

Method hack-tor tsss

That fat fucking slob is going to be the next big target on this sub after Brother Joe.

All the people we gleefully target acknowledge us in one way or another. That tub o guts never would, even if she read the sub every day. Can't Derosa her...her fucking show has 1500 amazon reviews.

She's genuinely too big for us. :/

Where theres a will theres a way. We can do this.

Any campaign against her i think would have to be reverse psychology. Find a few clips of hers that feminists scramble and try too hard to defend and saturate the SJW sites pretending to angrily defend the clips from "reddit shitlords" who have just started a large hate campaign against her. Or not... whatevers

This is probably a better strategy. It would require more subterfuge, though.

Her republican character is spot on. Much better than Stephen Cuckbert.