Pseudo-intellectual calls Bill Burr an old-fashioned neanderthal because he ain't as obvious as Jeselnik

6  2016-01-07 by [deleted]



What fan of comedy doesn't know who Bill Burr is? The guy said he saw Jeselniks new Netflix special, how the fuck can you watch comedy on Netflix and not have Bill Burr pop up? This guy is a fucking dummy and I hate to use this term but he is truly a "liberal faggot" as many say.

this is a pretty fair point. it would be pretty tough to be a comedy fan, and not know who bill burr is.

I have a feeling that he's not a comedy fan or a basketball nerd.


What a bag of jizz this guy is. Do you really have to be an NBA nerd to appreciate a Jordan/Kobe joke? Really? And Anthony Jezelnik is his go to guy for "crossing the line" comedy? This guy and every other fuckface that writes serious articles critiquing a comedian's material should die in a fire

These dumb cunts. I have to pay for girls dinners on dates. I do. You can show me whatever flawed statistic you want. But when I go on a date, not having washed my balls for a month and paying for dinner is more likely to get me blown than having clean testicles and not paying.

Not even a date, if you're going to talk to a girl to ask her on a date you're buying drinks at a bar. You're actually paying before theres even an establishment of a date.

you're supposed to pay for the first date, split the check on the second, and pay for the birth control on the third.

It's very presumptuous of you to think I ever even get to a second date.

well i meant it as a general goal to shoot for, like how Bruce Lee says to aim your punch behind the wooden board and then strike. gotta deal with some broken knuckles before you get it right.

I just skip to paying for the abortion.

writing an IOU on the first date is poor form

Mark Peters is obsessed with reading, writing, hearing, telling—and now, writing about—jokes. In each column, he looks at a perfect joke by a master of the form.

This guy is "all about comedy" but just discovered Burr, one of the greatest comedians for the last 5 years? You should really question his what he says

Mark is also a Twitter comic

Never mind...disregard everything

one of the things that makes bill burr so great is that his personality, view points, and philosophies are not......obvious. great art is often nuanced. this guy seems to either miss that or is deliberately not looking for it. ppl like this process art by putting it into compartments as they are reviewing it. like....he's talking about the nfl? oh he must be a meat head.

what male person cares about that type of thing? it just reminds me of all people right now that go up in arms over who anthony dates. I mean, fine if thats your thing, but I just dont know one male person that could ever give a shit about something like that.

Yeah guys who call other guys misogynists are pathetic, as if white knighting will earn them points with girls. It just puts you in a friend zone

That dick is a humorist? Have I somehow not understood what humor is all these years? Or is he just a fucking tool?

Anyone that calls themselves a humorist is a fucking tool.

He's too focused on shit like crowds and demographics. What was Bill Burr trying to do with his bit on women? Be funny you donut.

McSweeney's? There's a name from way back.

It means there's a very, very slight possibility that the stupid shit that stupid fuck wrote is a too-close-to-call parody of stupid fuck shit.

Real life is precisely this stupid.

Though I disagree with him, I want to say it's opinion based. However, the way he matter-of-factly breaks it down like he has a PhD in comedy only to say things like "I haven't really heard of Bill Burr," and "hard to figure out" really hurt his credibility. Which makes me think his opinion is shit.

Bill's black ass wife surely has no Neanderthal dna.

Hahahah because Neandertals were in Europe! That's nuanced.


Hahaha because they weren't there! Fawkin genetic yuma!