Emma breaks her silence...

17  2016-01-07 by [deleted]



someone is getting a new ipad.

IT WAS A MACBOOK! but still...

"A pedophile wants to fuck you!"

"I'm not underage..."

"Yes you are!!!!"

There's too many heel turns around here to keep count.

shes cute, ya know im on Ants side now, I also wanna groom her w presents and then eat her ass after a few glasses of wine.

Bro Anthony was only trying to help

I guess she's alright when you pick her out of this freak show

Christ Almighty! British girls. What the fuck!

The vikings kidnapped all the pretty ones so their gene pool is just a mess of mushy pale rejects, or chicks that look like pre-AIDS Jimmy.

You'd think they'd welcome the Polish to get a little slavic and nordic DNA in the mix so their women can stop looking like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

literal pedophile

Pedophilia is a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. If you're going to continue circle jerking over this at least use the correct terminology.

Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.

Maybe I'm a piece of shit, but this honestly doesn't bother me. Isn't the age of consent like 14 in a lot of European countries? As far as I know, there isn't some epidemic of girls being really fucked up due to fucking older guys.

My preference for girls is probably 18 to early 20s, but I'm not going to pretend like there aren't hot high school age girls. Seems silly for anyone to pretend like this given how popular schoolgirl themed pornography is.

how popular schoolgirl theme pornography is.

Yeah that's a really good point. Same goes for the type where the married father comes homes and is seduced by the pigtailed babysitter/cheerleader. And it does say something about our society that "barely legal teenagers" is a very popular category of pornography.

Just want to point out that it's saying someone is exclusively attracted to that. Anthony is pretty much that. Even a 30 year old seems gross to him.

She's just some OLD LADY

The braces make her look twelve or prepubescent.

Having tits kinda negates the whole prepubescent thing

It's her face that drives that "way too young" thing that he needs to cum.

Meh, who cares. He can jerk off to the Gerber baby for all I care. Unless he actually fucks a child, I'm not going to condemn a man for finding young girls hot.

i'm surprised there isn't a reddit bot that already makes this distinction for people. also, stop trying to justify/rationalize Anthony's creepiness. He totally grooms underage girls on Twitter, that should really be more than enough to turn against him.

Redditors are the only people I've ever known who care about the difference between pedophile and ephebejebephile

There's a pretty big difference in wanting to fuck a 16-17 year old and wanting to fuck a toddler. Then again, most people don't talk about pedophilia in day to day life and taboo subjects can be discussed openly on the internet.

the difference being everyone wants to fuck at 17 year old.



Maybe you just keep shit comoany.

Yeah that must be it


You don't think people that aren't on reddit would think there's a difference between finding a 19 year old hot and finding a 10 year old hot?


reddit is where I first learned the word, and i hate myself every day for it. and i keep going back.

I'm not trying to minimize his creepiness. I'm just saying I think we can all agree if you were to judge it on a continuous spectrum, then being attracted to a seventeen year old high school student (ephebophilia) is a little less creepy than being attracted to a four year old preschooler (pedophilia).

it's more fun to straight up call him a pedo though, cause we hate him now and want Jezebel to do a 10 page story of his best tweets

Fair enough, carry on.

She's at uni so she's at least 18...she just looks like a child

Ant still grooms kids online though

okay whoever is @sherrod_small with the profile pic that's so dark all you see is eyes and teeth - fuck you and good job

I actually think the people who won't stop pestering this chick on twitter over it are just as creepy.

This whole thing is really creepy. The fanboys with fake twitter accounts are weird on a whole other level. What kind of grown man does that sort of thing.


I'm trying to figure out if @opiefanboi is a troll account, a white knight, or a cuck.

Probably all 3.

Since Ant has said he's given free wheelchairs to 80 year-olds...are we SURE he's not grooming senior citizens???

She has the dullest tweets I have ever read. I hope Ant beats her after committing statutory rape.

This is all twitters fault. Am I the only one who, after first hearing the word Twitter, thought it sounded like a southern rednecks term for a pre-teen girls twat? "Her dress blew up over'er head, you could see 'er whole twitter!"


2016-01-06 19:05:00 UTC

@EmmaBrookesx be careful, you're being 'followed' on social media by a literal pedophile whose name is @AnthonyCumia


2016-01-06 23:59:30 UTC

@opiefanboi69 you know I'm not a child right?

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I don't like how her steve buscemi teeth push her lips out.

I forget how pointless random people's twitters can be. Over 5,000 tweets and probably not one meaningful one.

She's from England huh? Reminds me of when Bobo had that broad keeping him on the hook and Jimmy said he was going to give her a "rogering". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ead1Kfm0Gs0

This is just sad

Who the fuck is Emma and what is this all about?

Who is that bitch!?

Ant's lucky... I guess...


Agree. This is why SJWs suck. They get righteous and go "vigilante" and make mistakes. You are all Tumblrettes

This whole thing is really creepy. The fanboys with fake twitter accounts are weird on a whole other level. What kind of grown man does that sort of thing.