Ant is all sad tonight. Talking about us a lot.

2  2016-01-06 by HowsThatFeelFucker

Poor fella.

Edit: He's moved on. Obama, guns, business as usual.


Anthony's life makes me laugh, what a degenerate.

Fuck that guy.

Ants calllers have to be fake.

LIkE a CuMSpIRacy oR sUmthin'?? tssss

I feel so bad for him for liking vines of horrendously underage girls then having people catch him doing it.

Just tuned in. This nigga stallin'

jesus he looks like pure shit, even more than usual.

Pasty fuck. Looks like he needs pasteurising.

You gonna replay it at 6?

the entirety has already been uploaded onto Ronnie B's Vimeo channel.


This live or slightly delayed? Seems we missed the juicy bit.

Ant is having girls round again.

What good news.

Yeah the juicy bit may have already passed. A boo.


Fuck you cawksuckah

ant being sad makes me sad.

does it?

can it?