Ant is not allowed to kick Dani out of his apartment

72  2016-01-06 by Dennyislife

This is better than his divorce


He will have to be her butler

I need more Pledge.

This is just as good, it's the store brand, I'm okay with the film just use it!

more liek store dani brand or sumptin. LOlolz. tss. tsss.

'Because he's myyyyyy butler.'


She should film every sort of race of men Sleepin in his bed, eating off his dishes, and pissing in his shower and put them on youtube. Actually, put them on Vine to make sure Ant sees them.

hope shes pregnant too haha, ant bragged for so many years, he really did have a sweet life

I hope the baby comes out black and he denies it only to have maury reveal that he is in fact the father

oh fuck thats great.

That really would be a dream scenario. She seems like the type that would stop taking birth control, too. Here's hoping.


and the court says he has to pay child-support anyhow

Payback for not favoriting any of her vines

I think you're allowed 30 days at a residence before getting kicked out no matter if you pay rent or sleep on the couch

sounds about right, lot of states have clauses like this to protect people from becoming insta-homeless.

I believe every state has a statute like that. If you fit the definition of a "tenant" (which, as you observed, doesn't necessarily require the payment of rent), you have to either leave on your own accord or be formally evicted, with all of the concomitant legal nonsense that entails.

I can't speak for other states. Here in Virginia all you have to do is have some personal belongings and stay beyond 48 hours at a residence and you are technically living there. You have to go through the courts and file for an eviction. She has been living there for a while so he's probably already had the eviction papers filed and now has to wait until she's moved out. Damn..dude is in a shitty predicament.

Interesting. In the state in which I live/practice, there's a summary eviction procedure whereby you can terminate a tenancy at will within 2 weeks just by giving a couple of notices. The problem, though, is that the tenant has the right to contest the summary eviction by filing a lawsuit. If they do that, you're in for a looooooooong process. If their lawyer makes enough noise they could drag the eviction out for months. (I wouldn't be surprised if any court hearing an eviction proceeding against Dani stayed the matter while the DV is being worked out, too.)

Very true but I don't think Dani is smart enough to do that. Her parents are but it sounds like that relationship is a rickety bridge waiting to fall.

Maybe. I dunno what the NYC laws are. She has other places to go I'm sure.. not sure in this situation if the court case is going to warrant her an extension if she has been served an eviction notice or a legal request to vacate the apartment. In all fairness if she is given the required legal amount of time to find a new residency she has to go. Especially if her name is not on the lease. The world just doesn't stop and kiss your ass because you have a pending court case.

The world just doesn't stop and kiss your ass because you have a pending court case.

I don't disagree with you. I represent banks; I ain't some bleeding heart. But the world does kind of stop and kiss your ass if you're alleging a DV. Anyone who even alleges DV gets an automatic temporary restraining order like 99% of the time, before any evidence has been presented. I wouldn't be surprised if the court were disinclined to press forward with an eviction under these circumstances.

I can already see the argument I'd make. Something along the lines of "Mr. Cumia has already harmed my client physically and emotionally. The criminal court has entered a restraining order preventing him from striking her with hands or scathing her with words, but he now endeavors to cast her out into the street. Mr. Cumia is a man of means. My client is a woman with no place to go. She faces constant harassment by Mr. Cumia's fans, and she faces the stress of having to face Mr. Cumia and testify against him in the pending criminal case. Mr. Cumia would compound these pressures by forcing her to move her home, as well. Under the circumstances, fundamental fairness militates very strongly towards staying this matter until the resolution of the criminal proceedings -- which were, after all, occasioned by Mr. Cumia's behavior."

I'm not saying it would work. I'm saying it might, especially if you get a really liberal judge.

Tsss your on 'er or sumptin! Take us to brake!


Is there anything stopping keith and Joe Cumia and 20 listeners from moving in and living on the couch if they have a key?

Generally a tenancy requires the consent of the property owner. So they can't just let themselves in, but if Ant ever said "Sure, you pathetic hanger-on; you and your 20 wannabe-biker-gang-member-buddies can crash in my apartment until you find another place to accomplish absolutely nothing," then he may inadvertently fuck himself.

evictions are easy especially if the "tenant" has no signed lease. she will be gone in 30-45 days if he files all the paperwork in a timely fashion.

Vinnie was the one who called the cops, that cunt can't have her? She HAS to be at a place she doesn't even own?

Wait, her father was the one who called the cops on Ant? I didn't know that, I assumed it was Dani herself or one of her fellow psycho bitch friends a part of her conspiracy.

If you listen to opie and Jim talk about it, Jim says Vinnie called him and Jim said Vinnie called the cops after seeing the periscope video

Gavin said the same thing. He called the cops hours after the video.

linkarooni? I didn't know they talked about it.

I did tweet him the vid and he blocked me right after, I wonder if I got anything to do with it, I hope so

Depends on when it was sent to him, it sounds to me that he saw it first thing in the morning then called the cops

so you'd prefer that domestic violence victim, if we assume she is one, gets not only battered, but also booted out on the street the same night? that seems reasonable to you? Should she leave with a rich daddy living nearby (I guess?), sure you can argue that, but in every case that's not a realistic requirement to make and law can't quite be based on your family income. As long as the time limit seems reasonable I don't see it as a bad idea for battered gf's, divorced wives or tenants

What's so wrong with being with her father? She doesn't own that apartment whatsoever, she has no right to it. How would that be kicking her out to the street if she has a family to stay with?If Vinnie can call the cops and be involved then he can also look after his old man fucking whore daughter.

U mad bro?


so if he didnt have an apartment and only had one house she would have to stay with the guy accused of beating her? seems unreasonable

he'd be in jail at least overnight if not longer.

you're getting downvoted because you seem like a normal person with a good job who doesn't want to fuck children and that doesn't fly around these parts, but i appreciate your input sir!

I'm sorry, I shall try to shape up, drive a truck and pickup underage girls.

so when he posts bail they both get to live in the house?

She would be in the house, he would be in a hotel with a restraining order.

that seems reasonable to you?

In the case of this chick, yes.

fuck off cunt.

Yeah it goes by the state. Squatters rights are funny thing.

or 14 days if u say its needed for a family member who is moving in.


she should have a coloreds only party.


She should have a whites only party so Anthony can't go.

I hope they both learn from this series of events and grow and mature as people.

Ant's about 30 years past the point of that ever happening.

Might still be some hope for Dani, but you can only expect so much from "special" people.

If Scrooge can learn the meaning of Christmas then Ant can still learn.

Though how amazing would it be if Dani and Ant reconciled, she got pregnant, and it turned out Bobo was the father.

Bobo is (hopefully) sterile.

All he needs is one heavy thick load jammed 3" into Dani's cootah.

Ha, I hope you are stealing Jimmy's new character

Jimmy's not allowed characters anymore. Since the Opster can't be a single character it isn't fair for Jimmy to be many.

Professor Jimmy is always there

His new character is positive Jimmy, it was debuted today on the big show


Fawk you Sam

Fawkin piece'a gahbage shit.

go fuck yourself faggot.

You really are a one trick pony

you realize were in reddit right? you dumb cunt?

No, fag. You suck my dick!

i will right after your dad is done.

Waiting your turn, that's nice of you.

yeah, im just after you.


Wait a minute... This is what Opie wants! We should be friends, not enemies! Now let's suck each others dicks.

Holy shit, you're cringey

Ok Opie.

That's what happens when you fuck a piece of beef jerky and think it's a veal cutlet.

Tsss. . Cutlet, whaddaya lettin selfcuttingirl do a briss or sumptin? Tsss. .

"You didn't call! You didn't call me Tony! Why didn't you CALL me!"

Look Tony, I'm dancin!

seriously? seriously? the cunt gets him arrested and is now squatting in his pad and wont respectfully leave? what a fucking dirty whore if this is true.

who would've expected anything different from someone like her?

He should kick her in the cooter or sumptin. Tsss tsss

im not sure which side im rooting for but much like a cookie... i hope things continue to crumble for both of them

I'm rooting for the physically abusive alcoholic pedophile. Hes a good egg.

that's how the cookie bounces.


Me too, it will make for great shows for years to come.

Cookie. Kiss. Cookie. Kiss.

Only a mentally ill Jew bitch would get you arrested AND THEN continue to live in your apartment. You're a fucking disgusting cunt Dani Brand.

Of course not, kicking her out of his apartment wouldn't be smart, he should try evicting her first.

Ant under house arrest gunless, forced to do pro gun control shows on TACS, only allowed out for his apology tour on the al Sharpton network, Keith doing the grocery shopping like a hausfrau all while Dani wrecks his nyc pad.

what kind of dumb fucking rule is this?! If someone is in YOUR house, you have the right to kick them out.

You have to file for eviction. I'm sure that's in the works. Still gives the person 30-60 days after the eviction is served to move out, he still has to pay rent this entire time. Hope he has learned his lesson.

Wait? Ant owns the compound, a studio in the city and another apartment?

Did you think Dani was paying for her own apartment?

Well her father owns a comedy club


I don't know. Who cares


When has she said this? I'm intrigued


Ant banging a chick with daddy issues, who would've thought.


Vinnie sounds like a real jam up guy


He brought it up somewhat often on O&A. That's why he was in the city so late the night Shaniqua fired him from Sirius.

Squatters rights is a bitch. I was in a situation about 10 years ago where I inherited a house I was living in and the tense tenant threaten to kill me and I had to leave the house. Took like 45-50 days to get him to leave meanwhile I'm sleeping on a couch.

Similar shit happened to me. A friend of a former roommate (a good roommate) asked to crash for a few days and said OK. A week later he's got the police telling me that he's a legal resident and I had to go through all this shit to get him out a month later.

THIS!! It's a horseshit law. I think it should be cut and dry.. If your name is on the lease, you have the right to tell anybody who isn't to get the fuck out.

This just made me think about that movie that Michael Keaton was in "Pacific Heights". Been years since I have seen it, but they base alot of the story around these kind of laws that fuck over the lease holder / property owner.

These laws are fucked. It always ends up with the lease holder leaving until they figure out how to get rid of the squatter.

That sucks, my situation was really fucked up. My father owned some property and when I graduated high school I moved into a house that was split into two apartments. The guy that was living below me was there for many years. Me and this guy didn't get along at all. My father dies like a year after I move in and this guy who is renting becomes a even bigger asshole. One day the guy is all fucked up and starts some shit with me saying he is going to kill me blah blah blah. Cops get called he gets hauled in for the night. I have to take all my shit out of my apartment and my house in the middle of the night. I end up on my half sisters couch where I lived for like a month and a half while I figured out how to get this guy out so I could sell the house. Turns out my father was renting to him with no lease.

Are you guys all rich motherfuckers? Everybody's selling a fucking house.

Nah my dad was a smart guy streetwise. He bought a bunch of property when he was young in the 60's and 70's and rented them out. Also this happened like 15 years ago. I'm broke as fuck lol

Hahahaha that's terrific

why not? did he say that?

He implied it. Said something along the lines of He had to drop a check off for an apartment that he isn't allowed to go to.


Why would he need to give her a check?

When you leave the basement one day you'll realize that the rest of the world mails their checks to the landlord.

First off, I'll never leave the basement. Secondly, dat was a fawkin good one, cawksucka.


Automatic bill pay, bitches.

Haha you rent your property

He wouldn't He had to pay the rent

He should either try to have her evicted or just stop paying the rent.


I'm pretty sure he was in the process of kicking her out around the time of the incident. She probably made up the whole thing out of spite to fuck him over. She is a crazy cunt.

He invites these fucking whore psychopaths to his home and gives them a key. Patrice warned him about this

this halfanigg does it to himself, even if she's lying he's been asking for it, FOR YEARS

still doesn't justify her actions though. that's like focusing the blame on the bankers in the Holocaust just b/c they were the ones who funded Hitler when he rose to power.

I don't get this sub, everyone was saying she probably lied and she's crazy when this first happened, now posts like these get downvoted. This place is bipolar as fuck.

Or Benjamin has been spending these last few months building an army of sockpuppets, the likes of which reddit has never seen before.

Very possible. That guy is off his rocker, pardon my french.

I don't give a fuck who is right and who is wrong. They're both trashy scumbags. Its just fun seeing who can say the meanest things on here.


This could be true, I noticed that on some of the more inflammatory posts. I wouldn't put it past anyone to hire a Reddit sock puppet army.. Who's gonna be the general?

Yeah, this sounds like bullshit the more we hear about it.



He had that apartment long before Dani was around.


LOL holy shit, I gotta watch today's TACS

No, fag. You suck my dick!

who would've expected anything different from someone like her?


You really are a one trick pony

Are you guys all rich motherfuckers? Everybody's selling a fucking house.

Nah my dad was a smart guy streetwise. He bought a bunch of property when he was young in the 60's and 70's and rented them out. Also this happened like 15 years ago. I'm broke as fuck lol