My own problems with the law and why I'm now a libertarian.

0  2016-01-06 by MushtashWax

My father and mother are fucked. They had the police over on a weekly basis when I was a child. My mother began sexually molesting me around the age of 9, when my father had been imprisoned for a longer time than usual.

Before that, my dad used to take me with him to rob houses. He would say we were going fishing or hunting and then, after we got back from the boat or the field, he would park in some houses driveway and pretend that he was a contractor and had the wrong address. If you answered your door. If you didn't, He would rob your house and I would help him carry things out to the flatbed.

I'm now 38 an d recently I moved in to the basement apt of my mothers house to save money. I know, I'm a cunt but it's a shitty economy for some of us. 4 months ago my father got out of jail again and moved back into my mothers apt above mine.

My girlfriend and I adopted a puppy shortly after he returned. My mother and father are both suffering from alcohol induced dementia. They cannot be reasoned with.

Last month about 12/17/15 my mother followed us out into the back yard while we were taking the puppy out to poop. She was lit-up like I've rarely seen her. Very drunk. She grabbed ahold of my shirt and slurred into my face "i don't want that poop in my yard!"

I removed her hand from my shirt and pushed her away. In her drunkenness she stumbled away from me. Slipped in the mud and then scrambled for the back door. My GF and I went back into our basement apt for about 5 min while we listened to the growing tumult upstairs.

All of a sudden we heard my criminal father sprinting towards the back door. I told them to stay in the room and went towards the kitchen to deal with what was coming. My criminal ex-marine (it doesn't matter that he's 70something when a man charges you, you have to respond) father kicked in my door and launched himself at me. I put him on the ground as gently as I know how.

This happened on 12/17. Since then I have been in an expensive hotel room, My girlfriend has to get anything we need out of our old apartment, we have a puppy (5 months - cane corso/st bernard mix) and my case just got postponed another week because they are having trouble getting statements from the "victims". The victims , again, are suffering from dementia.

Quick edit: I'm charged with felony assault. Really shitty, never been charged with something serious before.

I give you the law in New York State. I think we would be better off without the law. Every single person who was earning a government paycheck that I observed during this process would've been fired from most fast food jobs. They suck at life and they are stealing from us. Fuck'em.


Lets see how they react to that.


tell your mom what I told Anthony a few days ago. say "it's time to put down the booze, bruh." yea yea yea, i know she's gonna yell some incoherent nonsense before you can finish with the sentence but it's something you gotta say man. just put it out there. what's she gonna do, huh? ban you from the compound like Ant did me?


When were you at the compound. Name and credentials please sir...

You're a saint on ert for even reading this shit. Love you, brah. PS. You can't tell that bitch nuthin.

Make a thread about it.

Yeah, if you don't make a thread then i didn't happen

ctrl+f --> "pecka", was disappointed

I really want to bash you but if this is true, I'm sorry. The system does suck but don't be a libertarian, be a full blown anarchist.

I would but they arrest you a lot quicker.

Didn't say you have to be a fighting anarchist, just do what you can to fuck with things and not get caught. Watch a couple early Stanhope specials, get pumped up, get clever, and fuck with shit while making sure you're doing everything you can to not have to rely on them.

I love Doug but I'm habitually conditioned to cleaning up my own mess. That's why I can be an anarchist. Because I behave responsibly.

Fair enough. Different strokes.

Are you Dani's and Anthonys love child from the future sent to here like the terminator?

That's a terribly weak comment sir. Try harder.

Domestic violence law is yet another shitty gift from the feminazi movement. Sorry for your trouble, man. Hopefully you'll get some bullshit pre-trial diversion or something so you don't end up with a conviction.

Also, move the fuck out of New York.

word New York has become this bizarre shithole only suitable for the very rich or the people on welfare. Anyone caught in the middle gets shit on. It's like a plantation theme park.


Sorry about this post. I hav'nt been able to talk to anyone (aside from my girlfriend) about this and I'm turning you shit-dicks into my shrink. Again, sorry but it has to come out somewhere.

Is your last name "Cumia", by any chance?


So, because you had a shitty upbringing and ended up in court with a felony charge at 38 years old, you looked around the courthouse and decided that all the other scumbags there suck at life? And then it dawned on you to become a libertarian? Libertarians love boot straps. You should grab some.

The people working for the court system and the police suck at work. They are all stealing our money when they cash their paychecks. Thats the sentiment I intended to convey cocksucker. BTW have you ever grabbed your bootstraps and tried to pull yourself up? Go try it and report back on what happened.