Okay which monster did this?

1  2016-01-05 by Dennyislife



2016-01-05 23:03:52 UTC

For at least a little while I'm going to have to go protected on here. I'm sorry. These Cumia fans have said some things about my kids...

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

All of it disappeared quick. What did I miss?

Imagine being this guy, all he does is tweet to her.


Holy CRAP! And she's worried about US?!?

I went through their timeline and almost every tweet is to her. I guess this is what happens when a "celebrity" responds to you, just ask Fred from Brooklyn.

Does everyone on twitter have their own Hi Opie guy?

Wow these tweets went protected QUICKLY. hahaha

All those pathetic little men in the responses are hilarious.

Either the tweet attacking her kids was deleted...or it never was actually tweeted.

LOL, who is she apologising to? Her followers can still read her tweets as if nothing was different. So who's left to apologise? People who don't give a fuck enough to follow her?


Only when you start talking. Plenty of Zzzzs then



I don't know who the fuck this is, but anyone that gets on twitter to harass people in order to gain brownie points or "protect" Anthony is a fucking loser.

Not defending the accused's behavior, but have you actually followed this little drama? She and her throng of PC 2nd-string Hollywood reject white-knights are insufferable.