Opie Eating On Air is infuriating. (Video of him smacking his lips)

24  2016-01-05 by CHRIS_PISSTOFFERSON


I remember these millionaires discussing this once and the argument was "WELL WHEN AM I SUPPOSED TO EAT THEN. IT IS TOO EARLY TO EAT WHEN I GET IN. FACE". I dunno you're being paid millions to sit and talk for 20 hours a week. Maybe eat at 6:00 then you can finish before the 23 minute intro is done. Or just have a powerbar and wait 4 hours.

I remember Jim saying that. They're completely out of touch with their audience.

Or how about during one of the commercial breaks? Those are pretty fucking long. It's not hard to work this shit out. Most normal people have to go 4 hours without eating at their jobs. They'll live.

ME: i'm on a new diet. I eat 8 small meals instead of 3 big ones. It's called patho diet. What...oh yeah paleo of course. Paleo. That's what I meant.

Good god. A few years ago, this coupled with the constant Candy Crush playing is the exact moment I tapped out on the Opester.

Ugh, even though Anthony's race rants were awful how infuriating must it be to start talking about a subject you're passionate about and just hear your co-host letting his phone play candy crush sounds into the mic. Thats the most passive aggressive womanly shit ever.

And Opie acts like Ant is the one that stopped trying on the show.

Opie was noisily scraping yogurt out of the bottom of his thing not long after coming back to xm. From the start he had no interest in putting in effort.

You can go back and hear him scrape scrape scrape for literally 6-10 minutes while ant and Jim are joking.

I recall Opie saying he/they liked the chaos of people entering the room, adjusting mics, and shuffling papers around, cause it sounded real, or cool, or some horseshit. Fuck, it's annoying.

It's the hang, maaaaannnn

Crumpling papers up on mic is edgy, brah! God bless sweetie pie Eric for his brilliant parody of that in Franchise Mode.

What? You don't like talk of blueberries and interns fucking up breakfast orders?

God forbid you eat a grape or two, through; that's some WW3 shit.

I was listening to I think an erock beating the other day, must've been a nopie cause Sam was on mic for most of the clip... First time Sam speaks, Anthony yells at Sam something like " maybe having the mic volume jacked up to ten is acceptable for the after show..."

Sam: "sorry, must be Opie's magic mic"

Would it surprise anyone that Opie would turn his fucking mic up higher than everyone else's?

Fuck, no wonder you guys hear him eating his faggy yogurt all the time

They've shit on other radio guys for doing that exact same thing. Another example of their never ending hypocrisy.

This is what kills me. They act like its this huge mystery why the fans hate them. What do you expect when you teach your audience to hate hacky shit THEN DO HACKY SHIT?

They all ate on air and it was always infuriating. They knew it pissed listeners off and still did it.

its so fucking annoying. especially because they fucking "work" SIXTEEN HOURS PER WEEK. WITH BREAKS. fucking find time to eat that isnt on air you fucking cunt

these poor sloths dont deserve being compared to a bosomy hack millionaire who enjoys degrading homeless people.

They really are an odd creature. Seemingly only here to provide food for large tree climbing predators.

where u at with the bloobburrrieeeeeesss



Yea this was the worst. Remember those awful food segments with that fat fuck faggot roland? Eating on the air then saying "wow, this is good" was riveting radio