I ran Bob Kelly's pic through a face analysis site and I couldn't believe the results....

176  2016-01-05 by ChippinKenny


" 'Ya know what, dude! 'Ya hear enough from the fans! 'Ya count your blessings! 'Ya have one more slice! 'Ya walk to the Apple Store! 'Ya buy another BlueTooth! 'Ya keep tryin' to fill the void! 'Ya crying later that night in the bathtub! 'Ya just keep Goin' on even though this joke isn't funny anymore and has gotten too fuckin' wordy and now everyone lost interest as you just stand there with your size 42 jeans, and 'ya thumbs, and 'ya iPhone 6 because 'ya can't update until the end of April, and 'ya fuckin black XXL v-neck shirts that you get to hide the gut but everyone knows that 'ya not foolin' anyone, and BOOM! You've gone through seven fats!"

Bob Kelly is 1% Roland, as in Roland weighs 100 times what Bobby does. Roland is the most hateable fat piece of shit in the O&A world why doesn't he get the hate he deserves?

Not to mention Justin. How is Justin only 9% of Bobby?

Bobby's likable

I hate him

I've never heard the cronut guy shit so he's just a random fat guy with a wierdly high voice to me I couldnt care less about him

I like how you weren't too mean with the weight-meter.

Don't send this to Bobby. He's very thin skinned considering all that blubber

No Kurtz huh?

Dang it, you're right.

Vurrry good!



Here's the real matchup, if anyone cares: http://imgur.com/NAmTAEe

Well done

You know how Neil Degrass Tyson talks about us knowing only 5% of the universe, rest is dark energy and dark matter, I am working on a solid theory that revolves around Bob Kelly being the explanation, it would be groundbreaking if I can solidify my theory and link it to String cheese theory.

Dark matter matters!


This is so mean.

Poor Bobby.



Wha...what happened...I'll be honest, I tapped out there for a second.

funny but wtf is NSFW about it, the turd?

Why did they need to include Sherrodd twice?

Shoulda used the sexy scarf picture.

I believe them.