47  2016-01-05 by BrogueTrader40k


Do not let Von see this.

She'll have one made like 2pac in Coachella and will be touring with it for the rest of her big forehead days!

The number of loads that forehead has caught. I can't even fathom.

Well I would guess at LEAST 3

Tss yea more like 3 millyon! NVV NVV

Her forehead really is immense.


Can we 3d print this?

Do you has an extra terabyte to hold the data?

How did you even find this?

just searched for patrice o'neal on google.

When can I buy the plastic dol -- action figure?


Where's the purple suit and gigantic coffin? Missed opportunity IMO.

Really cool, though he looks like he was done by those Taiwanese animators that make ridiculous cartoons out of news stories.

That should be a big bronze statue!

in a mall food court

Really stroked to see him in3d

I prefer to remember him in 1N.

Uncanny Valley.

looks like this is from a few years ago. did this guy ever finish it?



Holy shit i just shot out a few drops of piss.

thats pretty fucking decent, just starting Zbrush its a nightmare