Why does Jim never call out Sherrods hackness?

3  2016-01-05 by Lilcumia

Opie's his boss. Is it cause he..is..black? Hopes of appearing in a chris rock film.?

Just once Jim,"no it's nothing to do with race," Sherrod.


Jim doesn't bust balls like he used too. Even when the old regulars like Bobby come in it's not like the old days when they would brutalize each other relentlessly.

That's because he knows Bobby, CQ, and Vos are going to die soon (heart attack, age, horse AIDS respectively).

the last comedian to say anything to Sherrod was choked against a bar, the worm isnt going to mess with that.

No, Billy Burr was the last comedian to say something to Sherrod and he was not touched.


Sherrod is a real piece of shit for that. Hopefully a random Normand mark beats his old fat ass.

he doesnt call anyone or anything out anymore an it sucks. Some of Jimmys best clips r him trashing movies, songs, tv shows actors etc.

He recently trashed Star Wars, that was cool

Some of? Nearly all of them.

Thats the old show... the new show doesnt do that immature guy stuff. Like women, they now behave on the air and dont make it too spicy. People like bland.

Opie reblanded the show.

Well, it's so obvious that I don't even know why you took the time to post this stupid fucking question OP.

Sherrhack Smalltimer is suckling the massive succulent teets of the Opester right now, and no one wants to cause a disturbance in the force. (greggshells.) Jim is holding out until October (holy shit, good luck yimm.) until he can leave and continue evolving into a caterpillar.

Sherrod is such a complete idiot that he'd just respond, "NAH SON I'M BLACK! IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT RACE WITH ME BECAUSE I'M BLACK. I'M BLAAAACK".

He always brings up being black because he is an empty person who defines his self identity by his race

He literally has nothing else.

Strip away his blackness and Sherrod would just be some retarded guy making weird noises.

Sherrod Small is black?



