I never disliked Opie until I read this sub.

60  2016-01-04 by Stuper_man03

I only started listening maybe three years ago. To me it's always been understood that Opie (I'm going to go against the grain and not refer to him as "tits") was more or less there to simply guide the show. He's not the funny guy and I've never heard him claim to be. I even thought he handled the Anthony firing in a very classy way.

Then I started reading this sub (I guess that's what it's called...this is only my 3rd or 4th Reddit post).

Now it's like a disease that you guys spread to my system. I dissect everything he does...find fault in it. I catch all the little ways he contradicts himself and it bugs the hell out of me. They way he interrupts the flow. All of his gregg-isms and greggshells.

Ignorance was bliss! I'm not saying anyone in here is wrong for criticizing him because almost every point that gets raised is 100% true. Just trying to get a grip on the psychological reasons for how reading a sub managed to sway my opinion of him so strongly. I used to think I was a free thinker...someone who went against the grain...the last person to bring out the pitchforks. But you've proven me wrong.

There's no point here...just thinking out loud.


Its okay Lyndsi. PM your contact info, I'll comfort you.


No he didn't.

He's referred to himself as a comedian on the show before.

I'd rather listen to Vos chew on his words for an hour over listening to a Opie 15 min set.

Where you at with airline food

Leave it alone. Period.

and the master of shock comedy.


He's a "student of comedy." Yeech.

He studies the room

paradoxically, that's Opie at his funniest

"We're artists"

In the same way the fucks at Subway are sandwich artists.

Do you have a link? I need that audio.

Watch the segment from Kevin Pollak's "Misery Loves Comedy" where Opie, Ant, and Jim are being interviewed. They get asked a "so tell me about being funny..." And before Ant or Jim can say anything Opie jumps in

I don't remember what show it was but I clearly remember one time, I think in response to a caller, Opie says something along the lines of "See us comedians in here blah blah blah"

I know 100% he said us comedians

Tits thinks that all of the criticisms are because the fans blame him for Ant's firing. What he won't acknowledge is, now that Anthony is gone, it's painfully obvious how bad he is at radio. He's become everything that he made fun of Scott Shannon for.

hmmm maybe you have a point. Maybe it wasn't the sub that made me hate him...maybe without Anthony it's just become more obvious how truly untalented and unfunny he is.

Or maybe...just maybe...Anthony has performed mind control over me and has manipulated me into hating him.

Oh shit, that's right. Ant manipulated us haters to hate Tits. I totally forgot.

HEY ..WOAH..relax..he gets his laughs

"There's my one for the day. Now I don't have to work no more. [extra long fake laugh]"

Yeah, from Sherrod.

Sherrod's black?

Best Opie is like Gaussian white noise, you can just block it out. But also his autism is like a ticking clock, once you hear it you can't never un-hear it

I have to try to trick my unconscious mind into thinking Opie isn't hateable to listen to classic uploads. The 20% of the time I can do it is nice. The other 80% is enjoying everyone else while waiting for Opie to speak, and when he does I fall downwards into a pit of despair noticing all his fraudulence and self obsession.

I feel the same way about sherrod after I found out he was black on here.

Opie has always gotten a lot of hate. Years ago he used to talk about the hate "they" would get on the internet. "You dopes trying your divide and conquer tactics, it isn't gonna work, period". Really he was the only one getting hate most of the time.

That's when he came up with the whole "ship-steerer" bullshit. Nobody accepted that because he is terrible at steering the ship. If you're on here long enough you will hear plenty of clips with him bringing great moments to a screeching halt.

Before Ant got fired, this sub was gradually shifting toward hating Tits. I think Ant's firing made Tits' terribleness more immediately apparent, but we would've ended up here sooner or later.

I came to this sub after being a late comer to the O@A show and was pleasantly surprised to find that other people felt the same way about that I did about him.

one other thing...I've never seen anyone in the sub rant about Opie's overuse of the word "brutal" (not to mention the ridiculous way he always says it). Everytime he says that word I want to smash my radio to bits.

It was a hot topic of discussion in the Florentine-heavy days directly after Ant's firing. The pre-Sherrod era.

Is that where Opie gets that somewhat phony way of talking? Is it a Florentine thing? Starting to make sense...

Opie has never had an identity of his own.

Yeah he tries to mimic different comedians that come on the show like "beautiful" and "brutal" from florentine and also calling Amy schumer "the schumes" it was cringe inducing

He emulates whoever he's been around lately, which explains why he enjoys all of his wife's tv shows. Right now Sherrod is around so Opie is in his "brothaman" phase. Soder will come in soon and Opie will be in the "doing voices" phase.

Couldn't agree more..the cunts like the Un-talented mr ripley

you spelled it wrong. it's baroodal*

I used to enjoy this subreddit until I listened to Opie. His carefully constructed thoughts make everyone else look mediocre and their criticisms contrived.

i strongly disliked him for years as a lone fan, and it's turned to absolute disgust now that i'm here.

i had my own things that i found annoying but here we all get to throw in what we see in a huge pot and stir it around. everybody get's a good taste.

I know how you feel. I can't turn a blind eye to this egomaniacal sociopath. The problem is not that he's not funny. It's that he thinks he's more than he is. And he's emotionally sensitive like a girl. And he's really, really, fucking stupid.

Oh also he interjects way too much because of his insecurities and jealousies and he should just shut the fuck up more often.

You're getting off easy. It's been bugging me since 2004.

Its called being a follower, I'm still all in with the Opster.

Gregg has admitted that opie is a character he plays for the radio. Remember that and you'll love him again!

That's right. The real Gregg Hughes is very intelligent, well-spoken, interesting man and he only plays the part of a big-titted buffoon who can't perform the basics of his job because that is "the bit."

I welcome the O&A reddit overlords and do not wish to anger them.

Context is everything. you had to separate him from the rest of the show in order to truly appreciate his awfulness.

I feel this way - but about ant. I always thought him being a piece of shit was a bit, but it turns out it wasn't

It's the O&A virus spreading across America


Opie started the shit about him guiding the show. He was there because he was lucky enough to find ant and start OnA. Ant was happy with making money and didn't need to go off on his own, so Opie was always in the picture. Make no mistake, Opie is not needed for anything, anywhere.

Opie was dumb enough to address this sub one morning which of course piqued my interest

i never had a problem with opie until i started reading the hate on here, which pointed out the annoying shit he does that i never noticed before. im sure he is a good guy deep down, a good family man and a great dad (im one of those people who are actually tired of the bam jokes) but the way he handles himself professionally really could be a lot better than he has the past few years.

I have been listening for maybe a couple more years and I feel the same as you man. I think all these things became way more obvious after the Anthony firing. I actually used to like the O and J shows when Anthony had the day off. It was always a nice break from the stupid ranting and dumb gun talk.

When Fez did his fake hypnosis thing and mocked Opie I think a lot of things became way more apparent and now I notice everything. For reals. FOR REALS.

I am just glad Bennington is still solid and actually got better now that I don't have to listen to a grown man cry about stupid shit.

So you're a wishy-washy pussy that can't think for himself? You'll fit in well here.

It was a hot topic of discussion in the Florentine-heavy days directly after Ant's firing. The pre-Sherrod era.

Watch the segment from Kevin Pollak's "Misery Loves Comedy" where Opie, Ant, and Jim are being interviewed. They get asked a "so tell me about being funny..." And before Ant or Jim can say anything Opie jumps in

I don't remember what show it was but I clearly remember one time, I think in response to a caller, Opie says something along the lines of "See us comedians in here blah blah blah"

I know 100% he said us comedians

you spelled it wrong. it's baroodal*