Rich Vos on Bob Kelly's Podcast

3  2016-01-04 by ellasmitherson


Bobby's show normally has too many people on and this show is no different, but Rich Vos is on and he's really funny.

Chris Cotton is fucking terrible

Vos leaves early, and the minute he leaves, as per usual, bobby starts lecturing the younger comics about show business. It was good until then, however.

Yea I turned it off when he left.

Yannis Pappas is fucking great too, I'd listen if Scopo and those 3(?) other guys weren't in the room. But they are.

I don't really like any of the regulars on Bobby's podcast, but anytime Vos or Colin is on, it's a pretty great show.

Kind of like those old O&A shows where all the Tough Crowd comedians were on.

Do they wear headphones? Or do they knowingly yell over each other?

Vos thinks he's so much better than everyone else its hilarious. Look at his, no warning, just stand up and leave. Good show but I don't think I could listen to just those younger comics

He is better and proved it by being the funniest person in the room? I think Bob Kelly is great and certainly infinitely funnier than the younger guys, but otherwise Rich was the best there.

I did turn it off after he left though, so I agree with ya there.

He did prove it that time but any air of pretension is retarded no matter who you are but actually for vos I just find it hilarious because, well, it's vos... Everyone loves shitting on him

He is better and proved it by being the funniest person in the room? I think Bob Kelly is great and certainly infinitely funnier than the younger guys, but otherwise Rich was the best there.

I did turn it off after he left though, so I agree with ya there.