Fred from brooklyn is a cunt

39  2016-01-04 by slaphappybobo

just because.......


Cumias entire middle aged bootlicking crew of worshippers are the absolute fucking worst

i hate people that like things

I hate the show, I hate Opie, I hate Anthony, I hate the callers, you guys are alright, Jimmy's ok, this all feels like a waste of time but I can't stop

you guys are alright, don't come to the sub tomorrow....

Thanks for the heads up /r9kbot/

Thanks for heads Harper-Mercer.

What happens tomorrow?!

I swear the super Anthony fans are the epitome of faggotry

Nothing makes me cringe harder than those faggots on twitter who have Anthony as Che Guevara as their profile pic.

If it had an ax embedded in his skull I'd think about using it.

You better watch out! One of them might call you a cuck and tell you to kill yourself! Then what will you do?

You know what's sad is that either of those things aren't even a fraction as embarrassing as Ants ballwashers,

The problem is PROGRESSIVES! They are a secret political party embedded within BOTH PARTIES. The TRUTH is not RACIST. First Podcaster on Satellite Radio.

It's like Ant has his own 'life stenographer' following his every moment and reporting it back to the uninterested masses in an effort to be liked by anyone other than his own reflection.

Or he's just a fucking cunt.

It's difficult to tell.

He's really not much different from many people here.

douchebag is on twitter defending ants drinking i make a valid point about him being a hanger on etc etc and i was promptly blocked .... cunt

who is defending ant's drinking? it's indefensible - he's an alcoholic.

I will defend being an alcoholic until the day I die of cirrhosis

i am blocked too, all i did was called him a coattail rider

Nothing worse than some cunt thinking he's important and a part of the crew because a radio host had him at a party. Anybody who follows Fred or looks to him as anything but another pathetic fan should be killed.

Yes, he should be reminded that Bobo also attends all the same parties.

A human skin tag.

Not just a cunt, a coat tail riding cunt

He's just the worst dude ever, that's all.

i just noticed his trove of cunts all jumped in a bashed that gentleman with the odd looking wife that cumia called out this morning

Of course they did. They probably tagged ant on the insults too. That'll keep them at the compound fetching beers and sniffing dirty panties for another 6 months.

his battles with liloncam were legendarily douchy.

Holy shit, liloncam. Havent seen that name in a while

I enjoyed the absurdity of the paltalk era. Fred always was a mouthbreather

fred from brooklyn reminds me of this other needy a-hole...

Ah, that looks like a Stangel

anybody got a pic of what he actually looks like?

He's the bald, fat fossil sitting next to Brother Faux:

Geez, who wouldn't want to hang around these cool guys?

oh god worse than I could have imagined

So you created your account just to say this?

Go fuck yourself sock puppet.

who is defending ant's drinking? it's indefensible - he's an alcoholic.

i am blocked too, all i did was called him a coattail rider

you guys are alright, don't come to the sub tomorrow....