What happened in court?

2  2016-01-04 by TedChrist

Is tony hands gonna address it on his show today?


The Judge sentenced him to serve as Dani's butler

"Because he's MY butler"

Jim: REALLY? He sentenced Ant to be her butler? That seems like such a strange punishment!

ME: No Jim I was joking. Seems like you should have fuckin gawt it since we have such chemistry brother.

Jimmy: I know buddy

ME: NO! I gotta defend myself. I knew you were joking. Alright lets go to Erock, Erock you're a fat pig and I know fucking radio. Been doing it since I was 18.

That would make a good TV show.

Brother Joe wore his best SOA shirt

Brother Joe wore his best SOA only shirt

"Mr. Andamir Kumar, known publicly as Anthony Cumia, is hereby found guilty of strangulation, domestic violence and abusive behaviour. He is therefore obliged, by law, to comply with a restraining order which states that he will no longer be able to approach or be in the company of any females under the age of 21 when alone.

Furthermore, the defendant will have all firearms in his possession conviscated by the Long Island Police Department and will no longer allowed, by law, to possess any firearm or deadly weapon of any kind.

Lastly, as part of his rehabilitation, Mr. Kumar will be required to attend at least 300 hours of group counselling for abusive spouses at an inner-city, urban centre for ethnic males."

The Bulls scored a buncha baskits

According to Fred from Brooklyn, the judge noshowed so the case was postponed a month.

Ant started the show today stating that the judge was a no-show.

The Nassau County Courthouse has a live YouTube stream covering their daily docket, but right now, it's just an intern or something shuffling papers around the judge's desk.

Court starts at 4 PM. Looks like Ant's is the first case.