Dave Anthony is vigorously policing his sub!

0  2016-01-04 by MushtashWax



Aside from the thread where people are asking whats going on. He last new thread was 3 days old, and has two comments. He really is a nobody, and it really isn't worth anybodys time.

Honestly I am not going to interwebs war over a nobody LA comic who made one tweet, even though the guy is acting like a buffoon and literally asking people to attack him with this whole situation.. especially if this is true too. I don't think I'm going to even read it. But if Anthony talks about this guy for any more than 20 minutes on his show, it shows he's desperate as fuck for show material. When he said he was going to dismantle the guy's whole act Monday I cringed more than I was looking forward to it. The guy probably has 3 videos on YouTube and we already made jokes about them. I'll reserve judgement till he does his show. That overreaction to this guy's tweet though makes it seem like he's just looking for more coal to throw on his fire and distract everyone from the elephant in the room

edit: I haven't caught the full episode but I've caught enough to know that Anthony didn't use this as a crutch tonight, so props to him for that. Not a bad episode all in all

It's more about cleansing the internet. It has little to do with Anthony other than he brought this turds existence to our attention. Now he offends me because of what he is, not what he tweeted.

My weapon of choice will be pretending I never learned he existed on Saturday. But I will keep some coffee on back at HQ for the troopz

He deleted his twitter and facebook. The war is over. Anthony still is gonna shit all over him today so meh.

I had never heard of Dave Anthony until this thing with Ant. Pretty pathetic that he has a sub for his shit show and then polices the discussion of it.

"you're an idiot. get a life."

His message sent after banning me. Still stings.

This requires complicated and whimsical vengeance. Stat.

Hasn't been The Dollop, Dave made a joke about a crazy right-wing guy called Anthony Cumia and he sent his fanbase after him. They are some horrible cunts too.

/u/keyboardromeo88 has sure got our number.

He's not wrong.

ayy lmao

Gee golly I think we should show them a sign of support from the fellas.

What do you say guys?


I love Maron's IFC show but I fucking hate that his buddies on it are Dave and Andy Kindler.

I like it a lot (S2 was outstanding) but being reminded that he has the worst 'inner circle' possible definitely puts a damper on things now and then. It's like the keebler elves assembling for a benign kvetching session

Dave's character is just boring and most of the episodes he's written have been my least favorite. Kindler is the worst actor ever, on top of being a hate-able tool already. I like that show but nothing has come close to season 1 for me since.

S2 was a lot better constructed than S1 because it tried more Louie-style stream of consciousness experimentation successfully. The 'Radio Cowboy' episode was fucking great

Though the continue drug relapse arc in S3 was a welcome advancement too

That was the thing to me, it started turning into Louie in season 2. Season 1 was a...stand alone...fruit


Him and his fans are exactly why I hate west coast "comedians"


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Who says he's a hack? I hear stuff like he does the same 5 minutes over and over. Bullshit. He was just in Australia doing 45-60 minute shows. He can be pretty funny and brutal too. I don't even really give a shit about his stand up anyway. Even if you guys listened to a podcast or a decent bit of stand up from him you wouldn't give him a chance. Just like when Howard fans would shit on O&A with their dumb bias. Oh well. Yes he's a bit of a lefty curmudgeon, but he doesn't deserve to be "taken down".

I gave his show a listen. It was around 10 minutes of plugging club dates/shitty banal Terry Clifford-esque banter, THEN the historical subject was addressed. By addressed I mean briefly mentioned and then STOMPED on by their extremely shitty riffing. Obvious jokes, no insight. This guy is a WEAK-ass middle doing a history podcast that completely fails to tell the story and instead just nauseates me with shitty one-liners. There's no room for it on the internet. It's worthless.

So you gave him a whole 10 minutes? Well I rest my case...

more like 20. I stayed 10 minutes into the historical subject because I was too shocked to turn away. I couldn't believe they took the time/expense to buy microphones for that dreck.

Ok fair enough I guess haha. Now that I think about it the first time I heard him I didn't think much of him. Took a while but even then he's not for everybody.

I assume you've listened to Dan Carlins history podcasts? They lack hacky jokes but other than that they're fantastic. After listening to those the Dollop is just insulting to my ears.

Yeah I've listened to a couple of those where they go really deep. I understand that if you're coming from that to the dollop for historical education purposes then you might not be impressed. I listen more for the comedy, even though it can get a little old sometimes due to the format of the show. His sidekick/co-host Gareth Reynolds is really funny. Point vs Point is his other podcast and it's some of the funniest shit I've ever heard. They take it to the next level. Not that anyone cares but yeah.

He's a known thief, he lost his ability to be given a fair chance.

You mean a joke thief? Google shows nothing apart from something about him confronting joke thieves.

He was stealing entire webpages and presenting them word for word as his own on his podcast. Patton Oswalt went at him about it a few years back. Fuck Dave Anthony.

Him and Patton Oswalt are fuck buddies. i'm sure it was in jest. And it's not supposed to be a serious historical podcast. He pulls all his info off wiki and other sites. That's not a secret.

Sir he wasn't just reading info he was reading articles, non presenting that way and not giving credit to the website. I get you like the podcast but nobody here cares, occasionaly something gets brought up on the sub that you enjoy and it gets ripped apart or attacked. This has happened with things I enjoy. Just shut up and stop trying to defend it.

I hear you. But I said what I needed to say. People get carried away with distorted facts.

You can distort a statement. You can have a distorted viewpoint. You cannot distort facts.

Well distorted viewpoints or statements it is then. Semantics.

No, they don't.

Ok, they don't.

His show relies entirely on blogs and articles that he reads verbatim without any attribution. That's definitively plagiarism.

Dave Anthony is a hilarious comic, his podcast Walking the Room was amazing, and he would have been a great guest on O&A.. But i guess he's a hack because he's not an Anthony Cumia fan.

Bullshit. Watched his youtube videos. He's not funny at all. We clearly have different tastes. It escapes me how someone could like O&A and also like him. Unless you're listening primarily for Opies odd comments. Then it makes perfect sense.

I listened to his podcast for a few years and thought he was funny. You dont have to agree with me. Its a little unfair to define someone based on whatever youtube clips you found though. For example, if all you had to judge Rich Vos on was his youtube standup clips, you might think he sucks too.

For the most part Vos DOES suck. He gets a funny one in here and there but not often.

I'm all in with this idea, we can't allow hacks like this to just retreat and then come back acting like nothing happened. It makes us look weak. A permanent jocktober would show we mean business and send a clear message to our enemies.

Our enemy = doing something productive with our time.

Obviously we're all here because we share a love of O&A but a lot of us also share a hatred of hacks who make money despite lacking any talent or ingenuity. There's no reason we shouldn't act in concert to expose hacks through ruthless teasing.

Already got told by a mod to not do this on reddit. Find another spot to attack.

His entire sub is a community reach-around. Very very supportive of one another. The trans-gendered need a tremendous amount of moral support. The do take some time out to call Anthony/his fans cunts now and then.

I just went over there and I noticed he's appointed a new moderator to the sub. He's clearly rattled. Open the jocktober sub again and we can begin plotting in secret.

There was a Jocktober sub?

Already got told by a mod to not do this on reddit. Find another spot to attack.

I just went over there and I noticed he's appointed a new moderator to the sub. He's clearly rattled. Open the jocktober sub again and we can begin plotting in secret.

I like it a lot (S2 was outstanding) but being reminded that he has the worst 'inner circle' possible definitely puts a damper on things now and then. It's like the keebler elves assembling for a benign kvetching session

Dave's character is just boring and most of the episodes he's written have been my least favorite. Kindler is the worst actor ever, on top of being a hate-able tool already. I like that show but nothing has come close to season 1 for me since.