I hope Beavis takes over Ant's twitter after the attorneys convince him to stop tweeting.

6  2016-01-04 by [deleted]

"Crossing paths with a black cat is bad luck. I guess you can call getting mugged and having your iPhone stolen bad luck..."

"The problem with black cats is there is no male role model. The dad is just a stray Tomcat with 5 different kitten-Mamas."

"It's just statistics! Black cats are only 15 percent of the cat population but they make up 46 percent of strays!"

(idea from the infamous Peckasucka)


I see.

Tss maybe he can do Chippah and call himself Beaver or sumthin

You know what Chip, he can call himself Beaver if he wants. As long as people know it's a cat making the tweets then the joke is still fawkin hilarious. Right chippah!?

How is a cat gonna tweet ya dumb dickhead? He doesn't even have thumbs!

He'll have to use a computer with a keyboard. Obviously he isn't going to do it on a phone. That's fucking stupid; a cat using a phone.

What the hell are you talking about? Smartphones all have voice recognition now, so of course Beavis can use a phone...He just has to speak into it! Jeez. How hard was that to figure out

Oh man! Now I'm embarrassed and heating up, just like the opester does. I completely forgot about voice recognition. FUUUUUUCCCKK.


No. Not oof. Maybe you didn't get the joke?

Oh, we got it, the problem is you fucking suck.

Well that's just like, your opinion man. Other people like it and think that I don't suck.