Somebody's gotta tell Ant shit posting about race before a trial is a bad idea

9  2016-01-04 by Jordash995

Doesn't his attorney just tell him stop with the drinking and race baiting until the trial gets done? This is stunningly self destructive.


He blew his career obsessing over Twitter. Destroying his life is the next logical step.

If hes gonna continue to drink, fine, but he really needs to learn how to be a closet alcoholic that has the common sense to stay off social media when he's loaded.

He's a high school dropout AC repairman who hit it big on the radio. People like to call Ant smart because he knows a lot of trivia, and because the only people we compare him to is drooling Opie and Scatporn Norton, but the guy's a white trash racist wop retard in his own right.

He's hilarious, but that doesn't change the facts.

Cumia is plenty smart, doesnt mean he isnt a sad racist old man tormented by imagined threats, or 'spooks' if you will.

He compares himself to the folks that launched a rocket to the moon. He is fucking nuts.

The thing about Twitter is you only want to use it when you are drunk.

What did he do now?

I will never understand why an Italian would go to such length defending white people. He is about as white as an Spanish, Greek, Turkish or Syrian guy. The fact that he can call him self white and George Zimmerman was reported as a white vs black thing is just stunning. You truly dont see color over there in USA.

That's how social constructs work

Italians are white, well northern Italians at least. Being white is not just for germanics.

Found the olivenigger.

Sorry to disappoint I'm Nordic Aryan Master Race

Unlikely. You've just appropriated white culture.

The definition does vary from where you come from. But i would say most Europeans does not see Italians as white.. at all. And its totally fine to be what ever colour. But it gets so awkward when you claim to be a race you clearly are not. Anthony should be a proud brown Italian.

If Anthony was sentenced to either jail time or deleting his Twitter forever, which one would he choose?

He'd delete his twitter and suddenly Beavis would become strangely obsessed with the black community.


that's the bit

People told him the trouble that came with young crazy pussy, but did he listen..

i mean, if only patrice and bobby can be more clear about wtf they were yapping about

Maybe he's confident the charges will be dropped or there's already been a deal struck with a corrupt judge and D.A.? Perhaps Jew Jewstein Esq. sent them bribes disguised as gift baskets over the holidays? And Anthony is a childish alcoholic with so self control.


There is no trial you dumb cunt

Nah. What he says is true. And nobody sees more shit from that community than judges.

To be honest if her lawyer was to use Anthony's views on minorities against him there's a very deep well to draw from in Video, Audio and Text form dating back to at least a good 5 years.

He's wise not to comment on the actual case online but holding his tongue on his usual race ranting now would be like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted at this point.

You guys don't understand. He can't be fired. We aren't going to unsubscribe. There are no negative consequences for his career.

there is not going to he a trial and his social media postings are irrelevant you faggot

Right? It seems like half this sub thinks Anthony's gonna be standing in front of a box of twelve of his 'peers' pretending like a glove doesn't fit tomorrow. He's literally going to go to the courthouse, where his attorneys are going to speak with the prosecutor, not come to an agreement for now, and then request a continuance.

It's likely that Ant won't even see the judge tomorrow. Also likely that if he does, it'll literally be so that the judge will see that he actually showed up.

Cumia is plenty smart, doesnt mean he isnt a sad racist old man tormented by imagined threats, or 'spooks' if you will.