Any chance of Howard bringing up Ants arrest?

11  2016-01-04 by Lilcumia


Howards never really given Opie or Anthony the time of day, and I doubt he will now. I honestly doubt if it's even on his radar.

He'll have a caller mention it, I'm sure he will act like he didn't know Ant was still alive.

Wait the question was about Howard, not Opie.

I doubt it gets mentioned at all, and not because they're avoiding it. It's weeks old news and wasn't a big story. I think it would have to be a major celebrity and still be in the news to bring it up this long after the fact.

Wasn't is actually on the news though and papers?

Not saying it's a huge story but it's not like only us bitter nuts heard it

It is pretty much exactly like that.

The animosity between the two shows seemed to come from Opie.

Opie said that Howard said some shit about his dad's death, but that was never proven or apparently recorded.

Howard talked shit about Wease's retarded daughter in the 90s

Does Wease actually have a retarded daughter or are you talking about Opie?

I laughed at that but I'm not totally sure if it's a joke or not

Howard actually did ask Dice if he would fuck Opie's father's skull though. There's a lot of context to it - it's a callback to a previous joke and Howard probably had no idea Opie's dad died. Also, the way Dice was talking about Opie on that show makes it a little crazy for him to focus on Stern's one line.

But, I mean, who gives a shit? Every episode of OandA for 20 years was making jokes about death/rape/pedopilia/racism/etc.


Opie and Anthony always tried to make it sound like they and Howard were bitter rivals, when really they weren't even a speck of dust on his ass. They mentioned him probably 20x more than the reverse.

Their show was much better though.

I honestly don't think so budday. The all mighty Howard will think it's below him to talk about a podcaster.

any chance howard knows who ant is?

Yes, 100% chance.

They actually met at the Borgata when Ant was playing (and losing) at poker. It was briefly discussed on both shows.


I was kidding. I know that Howard knows ant, but he doesn't give the least shit about him or his fucked up life.

It might be a 10 second snippet during Robin's news where Howard will make a remark like "yeah, that guy's always been a weirdo."

No, I don't.

Not only no, but hell no. Same goes for tits

O&A is to howard what LoS is to Tacs

This is very complimentary to O&A

If it's an incredibly slow news day, he might mention it as like a wacky news headline have everybody say one or two things and move on.

Howard doesnt come back till stipulation in the contract


Who mentions it first... Opie or Howard?

At one time Howard would have talked about it for 2 hours straight but Howard has since been neutered by the North Shore Animal League. Hamptons' Howie likes to keep it positive.

Howard neutered himself by jettisoning Jackie and then Artie. He further neutered himself by doing America's Got Talent and having to become PC. But a half a billion dollars will make a man do many crazy things.