Butthurt Much BroJoe?

16  2016-01-04 by [deleted]



Lol he is literally a nobody. He should just open up his veins in a tub and call it a life.

Back to Obscurity?? This fucking guy is really something else

...like everyone is waited with baited breath while he decides to give the thumbs up or down in the Roman coliseum.

Do you think Brother Joe has to show anth pictures of the toys he wants, like, "hey man this fender and petal are pretty sweet, we could really use it for our cacophonic cover bands" and then anth throws him some cash? Or do you think they have a direct deposit set up and just never talk about it?

Amazon Wishlist.

dude, that's totally the answer. how could i be so ignorant.

Man that dude must be so bummed that Ice-T blocked him.

He's gonna miss out on all of the hardcore leather jacket and #Trump posts

"Back into obscurity"

Now where have I heard this before?

So Brother Joe, who is completely obscure and irrelevant, is dragging poor Joey Cumia down into obscurity with him? Shocking.

Lmao does he really feel that powerful blocking people? What a thin-skinned faggot with an old ugly wife.

and he's not even "parodying" him, it clearly says "NOT Joe Cumia"

What I don't get about blocking people is that you're only making it so you can't see their tweets but everyone else still can and they can still see yours. In essence your only blocking yourself, what's the point?