If you ain't got nothin', then STFU*

0  2016-01-04 by Gooblenook

Stop the fucking bullshit posts. Like a bunch of hens here. Wait for something show related ... enough with shitty clip links.

If I gotta stop this car ...

  • yes, it is a bit ironic ... dv away!

dv away!

Ant's got that one covered.

I agree but posts like this never work.

Shouldn't the space before the U be white

It should, but it would ruin the joke. "Go tuck your self in"

How does this not ruin the joke? Also 2 more squares would have to be white for IN

Right, because the joke was "Go fuck your self". If the letters for the F, I, N where in white, the joke would not work. If you have problems with it ask Seth MacFarlane.

You don't get it at all. It should be white and blank the spot before the u

Its a cartoon, just deal with it.

Fuck you, I like listening to old show clips.

It's like they are all chewing on their own legs now. Relax and wait for events to unfold.

Stfu... Hope I don't get.... Dvd*

There hasn't been any new episodes.... What else are people supposed to post............

How does this not ruin the joke? Also 2 more squares would have to be white for IN