/r/OpieandAnthony, what do you guys look like?

29  2016-01-03 by LOSfan

I'm a fat balding mess but I was wondering what everyone else here looks like


I have a no mirror policy down in my dungeon. When I waddle myself up the stairs to my roommates portion of the place we live at and use their mirror I look like a fat Fabio. Lots of ingrown hairs and very fair skin from the lack of sunlight. I own souls on WOW and as leader of my Clan you can imagine how busy I am.

14/f/TX/bangin tits

What's the link to your amazon wishlist please?

are you 14 just like Patrice when he died?

Tits or gtfo

you are fucking opie?

Well I don't like to brag, but a girl once told me I was ok looking.

You could have been a model.

You look gay but at least you're not fat.

Not gay, probably on my second fat by the end of this year

i think the slogan of this subreddit

Like a young Bill Burr with a much more promising hairline

D'oh, Jeeshush

I lost weight too when I was 20 or so and I think I saw you on /r/loseit or fitness once, nice going man looking good

Thanks, bud

I'd fuck you.


April Fahhls.

Dude, come on. You really got me there. Don't do it again, promise? I'm really embarrassed

Okay, fine. I'll give you a mercy hump. Hope you like BBC.

Lil' bit…a lil' bit…

Where ya at with the BBC?

I don't have one

So...not all in?

Not at all

A genuine "good for you", all razzing aside. My best friend is overweight and I constantly try to get him involved in fun physical activities, besides eating Dominoes and watching movies. It's always one excuse after another "Dude, I got a bad hip" (he's 31, broke his hip when he was 13) "Dude I'm exhausted, worked all day"... I'm sure you know the routine

Thanks pal. No offense to your friend but that's what scares me is that I don't want to be obese by the time I'm 30. And I know what you mean. I'm a master at lying to myself

Yeah he's probably 50 pounds overweight, but his parents own a restaurant (amazing fucking buttery delicious food) which he manages, and he just got married. His wife has packed on quite a bit already. They live that sedentary lifestyle of as soon as they get out of work time for couch and pizza. It doesn't get better without effort, so I was genuinely applauding you. Blah Blah Blah Lammar/peckaz

Thanks pal

I hate being personal but it sucks watching someone become overweight or more overweight. I had to see it with my dad and he has now officially lost both feet to type 2 diabetes. sucks and I tried everything to encourage him to change. I hope you have luck with your friend.

So your dad is regular Fred Astaire? He's dancing all over town I guess, sorry, being an ass is part of healing right?... No, I try to talk my mom out of her depression related obesity, she's not huge but she used to be fuckin hot, she just gave up and I worry about her health. Meanwhile i'm a drunk and she tries to talk sense into me. So you can't blame yourself, change needs a catalyst, and its different for everyone

Pics for evidence.


Hey turkey, I heard your dad has no feet! My name is Footy McWalkerson, your insulin is on back order https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_tpZf62opw

Small dick swagger

I've got a grower, not a show her

Dude, I pull 5's and 6's and I love it, 7's if they're insecure/hate their fathers, but only until they sober up. Mediocre bitches is where it's at. You don't want a chick who knows she's hot, she will use it against you

I like fat you a hundred times more.

Look cool to me! I made a new account you probably don't recognize my name but you're awesome dude I remember you!

Thanks brother!

Congrats on the weight loss. I appreciate it, I really don't like looking at fat people.


you are awfully brown, i don't like it

Well I'll get back to you if I contract vitiligo

Mmmhmmm, well durka durk. I'm no faggot or anything, but I'd stick my lamb kebab in your tandoori oven.

I accept

That's dope you got a pic with bailey jay and Bawwwby. What does bailey smell like? She looks like she would have a nice girly smell.

I posted it a long time ago on my old account but she smelled extremely good. We hugged because I recognized her at the bar sitting by herself. She didn't have heavy perfume on she smelled like a girl to me.

That's exactly what I was wondering. So she has that subtle, nice girl smell. She looks so hot but I've wondered about little things like how does she smell or look like in person. The transgender community needs to be holding bailey up as their icon instead of kaitlyn jenner. Showing off Jenner just makes them all look like crazy freak shows. Bailey would be a great way to show people that not all transgendered people are a train wreck; there are some that are normal.

PFFFF i bet u didant no that lady has a peckah! NVV NVV

i bet you didn't know lamar was stickin his peckah in your mother.

They didnt do none of that! My muddah Delores was a saint he was just always helping with the floors and hammering nails in the walls TSss


Maybe if she didn't do porn. Las thing most of the trans community probably wants is someone being their spokesperson that uses their transgendered status as a a fetish.

That's a good point. I live in middle america and the only transgender people I had seen were the old guy that went to an old guy with long hair and fake boobs; the black hooker guys on the show "cops". That really made me think that transgender people were just mental weirdos. Most people in middle america only see these types of people on TV like on TLC freakshows.

When I saw Bailey Jay for the first time on Jimmy's Vice show my first thought was I hope this chick has nude photos online. Then I heard her voice and immediately went, wait, huh no way, is she...? And then they said she was in fact transgender. But on the show she was just a normal cohost. She's charismatic, looks normal, and can interact as just another person and not just "the transgender girl".

Kaitlyn Jenner can't say anything without the main focus being old transgender guy/girl.

TLDR She was the first transgender person that i didn't immediately look at like a crazy, delusional, mental case.

Bailey could do more to normalize and have society accept transgender people than kaitlyn Jenner.


Does the fact that I'd totally ass fuck Bailey Jay make me a homo?

That's a tough one. It depends on why you want to do it. Is it the pretty face and nice tits and curves that makes you wanna put your wiener in her butt? Or do you wanna put your weiner in her butt because she also has a weiner?

Why did you have to delete it?

I posted clips of myself doing stand up and stuff on the O&A subs and then some assholes from my personal life were harassing me through PMs. I used to be on here quite often

Oh ok that sucks to hear. Fuck those faggots, don't let them hold you back!

lol well thanks

Yeah I remembered the pic from somewhere, who was the stalker? Let's fuck with him a bit

I have an idea who they are but it's a girl and a guy from my personal life. They send me weird PMs saying they were "watching me and what I was doing on reddit."

Then on my public comments they'd reply with stuff about my personal life that no one else would know

The reason I won't post a picture of myself is for this reason. That and I don't want my friends, family and employers wondering why I'm associated with the most vile subreddit second only to those awful people at SRS.


Thank you, come again!


If you're native American you can stay but we'll have to put you in your own little area but if you're east Indian you will need to leave. Now.

well I'm actually West Indian. So where does that put me?

On a flight across the Atlantic if Joe jr has anything to say about it

Do you own any convenient stores?

Not that I know of

Well then you're just considered black and will have to leave. Please clean up the chicken wings before you go.



Big fuckin' peckahhhhh

Me? I'm an overweight, middle aged, Jew-broad. Picture Amy Schumer without the wealth, fame or Jimmy Norton's tongue permanently embedded up her anus.

I would like that, big Jew breasts?

Big Jew everything! The biggest and the Jewiest!

Well where are the pictures then?

Sounds fucking hot!

Big juicy pussy?

Show ur bubs

sounds great to me

Would. Jew broads give great head.

Last chick I fucked was a 19 year old jew broad with abnormally wide hips and weird nipples. Rich girl wanted to fuck a dirt-bag syndrome I assume.


You're mother sounds like a saint on earth

29, Balding at a young age. Used to be quite handsome actually, but the hair thing is fucking that up slowly.

Not fat at all, but I feel for "beautiful" Bobby Kelly. The struggle is real. Need some follicles.

By 40 I'll be your average mutant OA fan.

Recent pic: https://i.imgur.com/UkhVDWN.jpg


According to Gawker, this is a toxic white power sub. You're ruining our image, half breed.

Oh, I don't count. My favorite show is Seinfeld and I'm from Bethpage. I couldn't be a more disappointing black person.

Youre really cute 😘

Well thank you, in 5 years when I'm sprinkling fake hair on my head and injecting insulin into my gut, I'll look back on this thread fondly.

Shave your head and own it. You look like you can do it.

Black, obviously. Also Swedish, Polish, Lithuanian. Fried chicken and kielbasa all day.

Very cool, makes my regional generic whiteness seem boring.

Your arms look so natural in that picture


Hold on, let me send Keith your info.

Nice ponytail and hipster attire, drink enough water?

Why did you turn down The Daily Show?

are you robbing seinfeld?

I stole the box of raisins.

Nizoral, Rogain, Finasteride (the big 3)


Hair transplants and wigs (they are actually very good now a days) are options as well.

check out toppik as well if you are balding in the back



100% serious, I could have been a model, yeah. I ABSOLUTELY could have been a model.

I can tell that you're fibbing because you didn't say PERIOD.


Way more normal looking than I was imagining. You could probably ride public transportation with very minimal stares.

Dude you're normal looking. You probably just have low self esteem like probably everyone else here.

Are you putting away your dick after giving that cat a good fucking upstairs in that picture?

I wondered when someone was going to say that, I walk around my homestead with my cock and cat in each hand. Thought it was normal until now.

I make my cat sit on my lap while I take a shit, I obviously tuck my dick down in case I have to pee, so it's not weird or anything

but that is the opposite of not weird

Here in England my local pub is the Cock and Cat, reckon you could get a free drink if you order like that.

Future suicide statistic

You look like you're repossessing the cat from a family who couldn't make payments.


You are blurry looking, try to eat more vitamin G it'll clear you up.

A mix between magic mike and thor

The question wasn't "ideal man you masturbate to" faggot.

Read it wrong my bad

That's what comes to mind huh? Faggot.

Ladies and germs, kennethfagno!

Fawk yeah!

Too late!

I'm a 10, but on a scale of 0-100.

I prefer Patrice's 30 scale

Linger longer

Ive been told i look like Pat Tillman

Like a rotted corpse with a dropped jaw?


I've been told I look like Paul Rudd a bit, so I struggle with that every day.

you poor poor man

I'm a goddamn Adonis. 29. I look like a mix of Fabio and Han Solo and Channing Tatum. My job had to hire extra janitors to mop up all the pussy juice the customers drip out when I'm there. I've got the healthiest head of hair ever. Going broke buying conditioner, because this lusterous shit drinks it up.


Mine is a unicorn or wolf, depending on the day... I'm really impressed at how handsome some of you basement dwelling losers are http://imgur.com/gallery/9IF2e9R/new


I almost kicked this young "wild" horse's ass until I realized he just wanted some chocolate chip cookies out of of the trunk, oh yeah, and he could violently hoove me to death before I got a punch off. http://imgur.com/gallery/Gw9F1vK/new


That is cool, the most wildlife we get around me is the overpopulation of deer

I hope you got Howard's autograph while she was distracted

No, frog is wrong.

I got called a frog looking mother fucker at a restaurant I used to work at haha it seemed to be a hit with the back of house

I dont have a mirror or anything, but i have a ratty fucking neckbeard and look like i should be wearing overalls and ranting 'bout "dem damn coloreds"

46 years old and Ugly. This was taken 3 years ago on Halloween (that's a fake beard and the closet I will ever get to having one.)



Please tell me the hair is also fake

Ha ha. Nope. 100% individually placed natural follicles transplanted from the anal hairs of Rob Halford. At least I'm not bald like most of the guys my age.


I saw this dude's cover band, Top-ZZ, it was pretty sweet

Broken firebird?

Just good looking enough to be able to trick a bitch into bed

It's not about looks. That's what my mommy tells me.

Poor man's Brian Dennehy

I can tell you I'm not fat and most definitely do not have a neckbeard.

Most look like a cross between Zach Efron and Pat from Moonachie

Those are some polar opposites.

That's just the spectrum I'm using. More towards the Pat from Moonachie and to be honest further past him.

I'm sure you're a striking young man. :)

An adorable huggable boy

Awww, sweetie!

i got isis face

Definitely mall shooter looking.

You look like a young karl pilkington

A 25 pound overweight Mark Hamill circa ESB with dreamy Paul Newman blue eyes.

I am about 5 foot 9 160 pounds, blue eyes, long hair and a fluffy ISIS beard.

I am a Pisces, and have an 8 inch cock when erect.

I also flay women alive in my basement, slowly, I peel off a little skin off each day. Sometimes it takes a week, had a fat bitch who lasted a month.

You need any other personal info?

Google search Benico del toro bearded.

I show up oddly enough.

You're very good looking. Some homo.

Plz. We are homos.

I can't fap to any of this. Fuck you guys, where are Throwawaygirl and mrta?!

I'm a paki with a giant beard

Props beard bro. Im an r/beards karma whore myself.

I'm decent looking but I've gotten chubbier in my twenties. I wouldn't say I have tits per se, but my bodily girth sure does make my dong look less significant. I'm gon' make a change, for once in my life.

I just asked my mother and she said I'm "very handsome".

I'm sexy af but Im 2 shy 2 post pics baka

six pack abs, 12 inch dick, six figures, head of a major corporation, my colleagues often refer to me as a "captain of industry"

starting to feel like i'm the only white person here....

I look like a slightly overweight Tina Fey with curly hair.

go on...

Um I'm not ugly, but my wardrobe needs some work http://imgur.com/gallery/9IF2e9R/new

I dunno, I like the shirt. Brings out the homo in yer eyes.

I've been told I look a lot like Jim Jefferies.

So decently attractive but a little chubby and AIDSy looking

Pretty much

Dude, I get the struggle. I have HPV (genital warts) but I never get warts on my dick, I'm just a carrier. Which is cool, since i still get laid no questions asked, but chicks I've fucked will definitely die prematurely of cervical or ovarian cancer. Ooops! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_tpZf62opw

Damn you must be looking for material to wack off to.


I look like an unfuckable mess.

I look like the spawn of Bobo and one of the Stangel brothers


This is me on halloween. Im the dude not the hole http://imgur.com/WjYP7EG

Oh yeah! You were great in Boardwalk Empire.

Your link isn't working but Im gonna assume its Mickey

It is Mickey.

Lol thanks for the downvote dickbag

Calm down - it wasn't me, you needy quay.

Oh well fuck my ass and call me sally


I'll look better when i get my braces off and my skin clears up in a few years.

Like an even more asymmetrical Mr. Bean. Much like the Cumias,I am also a Sicilian mongrel with bug eyes.


I look like Ryan Reynolds and Fabio but better looking.

How do you post a pic?

I'm actually very good looking. I've been told I look like Sergio Ramos, go figure.

Like a kid, despite my age (28). http://imgur.com/yz0uCmf

Bayside and Hawthorne Heights are pretty sweet, am I right?

Had to google it, thanks for ruining my day.

My imgur, got all fucked up (how am i supposed to remember usernames).. this one is better http://imgur.com/gallery/9IF2e9R/new

This sub is actually surprising, it's got a lot of good looking, or more successful people than one may assume

Selection bias.

You should cut your hair with a chainsaw

Good advice tbh fam. http://imgur.com/Vrq46xI


All these personal question threads popping up are the SoA trying to doxx us you meatballs. I look like I lift. EDIT: PERIOD


There's a surprising amount of cool and normal looking people who browse this sub.

Sure thing m8 This is you


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Skinny with facial piercings




They call me big dick Simmonds around these parts



I could crush every single one of you http://imgur.com/fuzdLuJ

You look like a manlet, how tall? 5'5 ?

tall unemployed jealous fat dude, angry at biceps?

Come at me bron


If your wife needs a young bull I'm open you dumb cuck

I look like I should be walking around with a pressure cooker backpack.

Fred Savage and Frodo Baggins had a baby and then peed on it.


White upper middle class Jew


Im less hot now than i used to be. Im a retired model

That's just the spectrum I'm using. More towards the Pat from Moonachie and to be honest further past him.

Thanks, bud

Not gay, probably on my second fat by the end of this year

i think the slogan of this subreddit

Oh, I don't count. My favorite show is Seinfeld and I'm from Bethpage. I couldn't be a more disappointing black person.