Reddit 7 - Show yourselves!

7  2016-01-03 by avengingbullet

Brother Joe is onto you - you may as well come clean.


I wouldn't mind being part of something if you guys have a secret club.


It's Brother Joe's 'cover band' version of Opie's "H8ter Agenda"

WTF is he talking about? Some people here refer to themselves as "The Reddit 7"?

You just don't know about the Reddit 7, We are all Knights in the court of the Piss Lord, we meet weekly to discuss all matters of the Falconian Army


An 'Anchorman' style brawl might go down. Philly Crew, Reddit 7, Scopebros, and the handicap branch of the Sons of Anarchy.

It might be 6 though

Ridiculous 6, reddit 7, hateful 8. That counter of how many are online to the right is a lie.


Only a confused old man could possibly refer to a 'Reddit 7'

He really is a doddering old feeb. It takes away from how fun it is to laugh at him because he makes it so easy. Oh well. Tits and zits are both back next week right?

Thermite paint

Shit! how did he find out?!

Fuck they're on to us.

Did anyone ask him about his tribal tattoo or rocking the tank top on NYE?


Is he trying to turn us into a gay biker gang now?

You just don't know about the Reddit 7, We are all Knights in the court of the Piss Lord, we meet weekly to discuss all matters of the Falconian Army
