[OFFICIAL] Jim Norton comes out as HIV positive on Facebook

1  2016-01-02 by liquidfootball_


He went from looking like a guy who makes pedophile jokes to looking like an actual pedophile.

He could've stopped between Fat Jimmy and Aids Jimmy and would've looked ok.

Why do Jim and Anthony both consistently have the worst haircuts I've ever seen?

His head hair has pubic hair density

A fat ugly worm and a skinny ugly worm. He was easier on the eye when he was fat though.

And he was funnier

Yeah I wanted to hug him and squeeze his bottom before.

R.I.P. our sweet boy

He looks so much better as a skinny boi

Yay Jimmy!

Jimmy now looks like a Puerto Rican lady-boy.


I hate how he uses self deprication to get compliments

Opie's not self depreciating enough for this sub, Jim is too self depreciating fir this sub. I'm beginning to think we're just looking for something to get our panties in a bunch.

it's almost like we just attack people for no real reason...