I miss him.

77  2016-01-02 by ShitdickJunior



Is this what you are doing when Anthony is not here, Jeez this show went to shit.

ME: Very funny

high pitched Jim HE'S JUST KIDDING!



I wass juss talkin to him...


Opie is allergic to funny.

Otto was awesome. His stories about New York in the 70's were always fascinating and he knew a lot of interesting people. He definitely underplayed it but he was loved by a lot of big names. He was like Patrice where he didn't play the Hollywood shit, much to his own detriment.

David Copperfield who is as famous as they get amongst stage performers was a huge fan. He has the original "George" in his museum. There is video online of it, but you piece of shits know how to use google.

i was pretty amazed by that actually, i always knew otto as just otto from the show. then penn and copperfield and a slew of others came out as big fans.

Carlin was a huge Otto and George fan

Otto really was a comedic genius. His insults were also so sharp and ruthless. Hes one of those guys (like Patrice'wild laugh or Norton's wheezy laugh) where just hearing him laugh makes you laugh. That demonic Butt-Head like chuckle. This clip is so great w/ Norton and him discussing old road gigs. "Is this the guy who tossed himself out the window?": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P0ZsjkRlgvQ

The lines "Fuck her. Hydrocephalus head. I wanna fill her empty skull with Roosevelt Dimes and bash it against a fucking sink" are so fucking funny. This clip always puts a smile on my face.

And yet Opie is alive and well.

Well, there's the moral boys; become an expert in your craft, stay true to your core values and you'll die in your forties with a mortgage or toe the line, ride the waves of others, learn absolutely nothing and become an elderly multimillionaire with breasts.

Despite all that money he still seeks approval from the Proletariats, with all his viral attempts.

Opie is a teenage girl, in his interests and online posting habits.

And his vocabulary.

around 2008-20012 ish they had a fucking chance to make shit loads of money if they just fired Opie. Took the comedians like Louie C.K, Robert Kelly, Bill Burr etc etc and gave them a dumb shows, They would at that time have worked for relative low pay because they also get to plug their gigs. But instead management did coke lines on Opies tits. Their wage management is awful at that shit hole Sirius XM.. By the way. I love the jews... but they should stay out of radio business.

in a perfect world OnA would have been ant and jimmy hosting, Patrice on 3rd mic, and the rest coming and going. There would be no jon and kate plus 8 talk, real housewives, none of that bitch shit opie wanted to talk about. it would just be funny people talking about shit and talking shit to each other. Guys, seriously, call me a crybaby or whatever but when i'm listening to old shows and opie stops the funny to talk about some bitch shit or because no one is hearing him talk it actually does fill me with fury. i fucking loath opie. i NEVER thought i would get to this point with anyone from a radio show but i can't stand how little he brings to the show and how much he took away. He HAD a good show and all he had to do was shut the fuck up and let the funny happen. god fucking DAMN him for ruining so many comedic flows and funny moments with his narcissism and stupidity. His fucking stupidity is palpable; truly a thing you can feel through your speakers and it angers me that he has "success". opie, gregg, tits, whatever, if you some how end up reading this i want you to know and be sure of the fact that i hate you and want you to fail. You are the perfect example of how unjust this world is. you trampled all over the words and thoughts of better men for years and you should be fucking hung. you robbed all of us of genuine joy just so you could draw out your "s" words and attempt to read "epitome". Fuck you, a million times fuck you you unfunny, stupid, mean, narcissistic man child.

Fuck opie always making him wait outside the studio. I wish ant would've did the theater showing of goodfellas or whatever with otto when he asked multiple times. Otto seemed l a class act.

thank you for your service


2016-01-02 16:59:07 UTC

Just found 8/16/06 #OAndAShow dump sheet-Otto was really letting @AnthonyCumia have it btween 8:45 & 8:46 @JimNorton pic.twitter.com [Imgur]

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I loved his dumb laugh. I am sure many hated it, but he should be on every show there is just as a laugh track.

They were the fucking best. Thankfully there is plenty of otto and george on youtube.


There was the interesting exchange between Jay and Otto https://youtu.be/UyHNWcpXWQ0?t=6m50s