Is Sherrod Small the worst guest in the history of the show?

35  2016-01-02 by arobben

If he isn't, who's worse?


he's black

That's just an urban legend.

A vicious rumor, really.

its definetly urban

Colin Kane

Pablo Franscisco. He only was on once that's why he doesn't come in. But if he was a regular like Sherod, holy fuck. He was so bad, Ant actually asked him to leave.

That was a different era though. If he came on today Opie would be all-in on the Pablo Francisco & have him on 3 times a week

Any chance you have audio of his appearance? Never heard it.


Would be 90% of the actors they had in. The only person who liked most of those interviews was fat Roland, who only cared about himself, and keeping publicists happy.

Or regular guest?

In that case it would be Sherrod.

90% of the actors they have in I've never heard of, or only know by name. That would be fine if they were interviewed by somebody who could actually make it interesting and allow me to learn something about them and what they do. All we get from The Opester though are dumb questions, and lots of "wooowwwws" and fuuuuuucks"

It pains me to say it, but he's not. That Duke porn girl was the worst ever. I'm really trying to figure out logical reasons as to why Sherrod is worse, based on seeing awfulness get acceptance as well as pure inherent awfulness, but no. Sherrod doesn't reach the standard which that cunt, whose name I seriously can't recall and I refuse to search for, reached. She was pure awfulness, both in herself, and in the fact that she was well treated by everyone. Fuck, now I'm mad remembering that nameless cunt.

wordy faggot.

yeah, they really shoulda destroyed an innocent, hot, 19 year old porn girl who was already getting death threats and threats of violence on a daily basis while she was in the news, plus she was nice AND pleasant on the show, and even interacted with lady di, AND was being talked about all over the news at the time and came in to a shitty small studio to do the O&a show...she really deserved a beating

Ah fuck off with that bullshit angle you giant fag, you know the dumb shit she said and the fact that things half as stupid as what she spouted have been relentlessly bashed by the show. You PC bro?

so much anger and hate in you lil guy

Yeah I know, you made me angry with your absolute fucking bullshit and I hate you for it. This is on you, kid. Live with that, can ya?

Buddha here. I hope you end up meditating in a slightly chilly climate.

the irony of you calling me a fag when youre complaining about an attractive girl not being bashed on the show

You're fucking with me here I hope. You're joking around, right?

what's ironic about it?

not liking someone on the radio (a medium that only broadcasts one's voice) has what to do with being heterosexual?

she was stupid and hard to listen to - and if you thought 90 minutes of feminism and edgy jim talking about how much he loves fat pussy lips i'd question your own fucked sexuality before anyone elses.

shutup fag

fag doesn't have to mean anything other than you suck

There was no need to go in with the intent to beat on her, but when she corrected Ant's (or Jimmy's, not sure) use of "Indian" instead of "Native American", they probably shouldn't have just sheepishly apologized.

Besides that, they just really ate up her whole Susan-B-Anthony-of-facial-abuse angle. They didn't have to shit on her. Just ask some questions that weren't softballs.

I don't think anyone who brags about being on facialabuse dot com can be described as innocent in any way.

He very well could be, I'd say he's a tie with Vic Henley and Bobby "The Pitbull of Comedy" Slayton

Ronnie B had Slayton on and just let his callers bash his for like an hour. It was great. Somebody can find it on YouTube

On RnF or on Bennington?

Found it, thank you for your service

Mike Birbiglia was brutal.

I honestly have no problem with Mike Birbiglia as a comedian but he absolutely did not fit the Opie and Anthony world.

His gentle comedy pains me.

For me, the worst regular (after I got my fill of him), the only one that leads me to make weird angry noises at my car and slam the power button on my XM unit when I hear his voice at this point, is Florentine. He's like some pop song that was kinda catchy the first four times you heard it, but then they played it everywhere for the next six months.

Sherrod is a level above that. He annoys me and isn't funny, but he won't cause me to actively turn the radio off right away; he's on a really tight leash, though, and I tap out at the first cringey comment. Others in this category: Chris DiStefano, Doug Benson, Colin Kane.

The Vic Henley and Tom Papa types honestly don't bother me much, because they're kinda just there. They're not funny but don't offend my senses either, it's like having Sam back in studio or something.

Florentine is actually pretty entertaining on Ant's show. Opie actually makes him objectively suck harder than he ought to.

Sam doesn't offend your senses?

I don't mind Florentine when he's discussing rock music or pranking someone, but I'll never understand "fans" calling Mark Normand out on some of his stories and never questioning Jim's. And anyone who watches as much football as Jim does couldn't be that dumb to pop culture - it's impossible.

Ralphie May

Tom Papa?

solid pick.

every clip he has ever been in is made worse by his appearance... every single clip.

Tom Papa's comedy formula:

[Repeat the last 4 words of someone else's one liner]


[Repeat it again but just 2 words this time]

this is the correct answer by far.

Yes. Before him Derosa was the worst to me - that high pitched laugh & middling unfunny humor destroyed some good segments. But at least Derosa was in the same vicinity of good brutal O&A humor. Sherrod is a shitty VH1 laughing head - 'hey Sherrod remember rubix cubes? You got 10 seconds on rubix cubes?' He's terrible.

I've said before that O&J is deathly dull but I'll put it on in background sometimes out of habit, plus jimmy is still a good boy. But Sherrod makes it unlistenable, he stinks and he's unaware how bad he stinks which makes him stink even more.

yup. top 2 worst for sure. even before derosa pulled the infamous, "what would my black friends think?" i hated his motherfucking, shoulderless, adopted arab dna, faggot ass...imagine a derosa and sherrod show? kill me.

Why doesn't DeRosa come on the show anymore?

because all of his spare time entails sucking off dudes.

why the fuck did metzger choose to do a show with this guy. it makes me hate him by association.

Sherrod us way more famous, when the podcast started Kurt was just some dipshit that had never appeared on tv and rarely on radio. Kurt only had like 1 season as a writer

Duke Porn star was the worst. She was so bad Lady Di actually saved the show from that horrendous interview. What makes it worse is that Tits & Jim actually defended the entire interview, while Anthony was walking on greggshells and was hinting that he agreed with the listeners of how awful that shit was.

Judy gold.

Judy Gold has to be the single worst professional comic i have ever heard.

To me, Sherrod is just "repeat the point guy". He never comes up with his own thought. He just waits and repeats what Opie or the guest says. A lot of times he does it a few seconds after admitting he knows nothing about what they are talking about.

He and Esther Ku.

i think vic henley is worse but its close

Henley tells unfunny stories that go nowhere.

Worst 'friend of the show' ever. I honestly wish death on him. Don't tell Kurt.

He's dumber than Lady Di and has got the vocabulary of a cheese sandwich. I say he's by far the worst guest really.

I was hanging in there after Ant got booted out but then along came Sherrod; absolute torture. Needless to say I bailed, and it has been nearly a year.

If you include O&J with O&A, then probably. But he was barely on the actual show, and he was forgettable there. Pablo Francisco was worse for sure. And Dustin Diamond, if you go back to WNEW

I would say that yes, he is the worst, least funny guest of all time. But he is black, so that would be racist...

Part of me wants to see Sherrod on Ant's show. I know Sherrod is terrible, but I'm curious if it's just the Opie effect and Sherrod is really only this bad because of Tits.

I think it's the opie effect. He's a bit more tolerable On Race Wars imo.

How many times can this thread be made? haha

Its Tom Papa, Then Sherrod, and whoever third is miles better than them. When I was still listening, Papa and Sherrod would be an insta-shutoff.

I think all the recent guests that suck are the ones that let Greggshells take over the room. The better guests, like Colin and Vos, don't buy into it.

Worse than Steve the Whistler?

Was he ever on the show before Ant's firing? I just don't listen to any shows that he's on (not because of him specifically, because the show is always shit). The only show I can recall listening to with him on it was the one with Bill Burr a few weeks ago calling him out on his bullshit. He seemed to be a dullard.

Its like when the state road workers try to repair a pothole with a lump of asphalt, it works but you feel an uncomfortable lump when you pass over it.

Tom Papa.

As much as Tom stinks, Sherrod is worse.

Opie keeps him around because he makes Opie look like Isaac Newton.

Joey Diaz or Tom Segura. Both have been on the show a few times and each appearance sucks. They sit there and never say anything.


Vic Henley is by far the worst. Hate him, hate his face, hate his dumb smile, hate his voice and accent. He has never made me so much as crack a smile.

Dustin Diamond or Tucker Max.

esther ku, then judy gold, then sherrod

No. That porn star whore who the guys were fawning over a couple of years ago. Belle something. It was embarrassing to listen to them white knight her. Especially Jimmy. His "porn stars are awesome because they are so open and 'real'" bullshit is always infuriating.

...the fact that opie has brought him in to be the 3rd mic is incomprehensible. "tits and the shine"

"Tits and the Spade"

I mean if we're gonna be honest with ourselves its either Tucker Max or whatever the Tightrope Walker's name was. But I also agree Sherrod is steaming pile of shit.



That's just an urban legend.